OFDH - 3

46 1 2

Hour Twenty-Six
11:32 A.M.
Water Height: 78 inches

After looking over the list of people I could talk to today, I kinda decided it was going to be more of a waste of time. Sure, Knife was awake, but I think he's a lot more interested in preserving the hotel than he is in our friendship. Maybe I'm being paranoid- this whole game thing has been stuck in the back of my head, and no amount of talking or hanging out is gonna make it go away; as much as I would like it to.

But nobody's died, it's been over a full day, so that's gotta mean something, right? The water's still being tracked, so I know that we're all still alive! That's a bit of hope to hold onto!

My main issue was the question of where to go. The first floor is completely gone, the second is going to be gone by the end of the day, and then we'll only have three floors to work with! The top two floors have hotel rooms, but it's really just glorified storage, with boxes and whatever shit Oj wants to hoard stuffed inside every room. I don't wanna sleep in all that, but there's some staff lounge on the third floor, along with the nurse's whatever the fuck, a janitor's closet, and a conference room. I've been there at least once ever, and they don't even have a table anymore for conferences. It makes sense- who the fuck needs a long table for three people anyway- but it looked like a glorified room for rent. How do I describe it? Like you'd go to your friend's eighth birthday party and it was just that one long room with a tiny snack table at the end, and a pile of gifts in the corner.

Is that relatable? Probably not. Who the fuck cares, I'm telling the story here!!

Anyway, I tried to go in, but soon realized that Paper, Oj, and Soap were all in there, having a meeting. I didn't think they actually communicated anything around here, given how fucking petty Oj and Soap are, and how meek Paper's been. Since they're there though, I figured I would eavesdrop by standing right beside the door.

Paper's squeaky little voice came up first. "I think this motive business is absolutely fucking ridiculous! Our complaint desk is completely ruined- my psychology degree was in there!" Did Paper just swear? He sounds quite funny when swearing, honestly... maybe he shouldn't be such a dirty hypocrite.

Oj was next, given the fact I heard the most depressed sigh ever. "I know, I know. We can't do much about it though! We just have to fake it til we make it, I guess. We've been faking so much anyway, might as well pretend this is normal, right?"

Soap took her turn after an awkward pause. "Well- look. We gotta do something, right? Start activities. Baseball told me he wants to do all these team exercises and stuff, and I think that could absolutely boost morale! It's more a question of will they actually participate?"

"I mean, probably," Paper said in a questioning tone. "Who knows until we try, right? I think holding up more meetings like we did before was a good idea! Though, maybe we can let up on the ex thing. I think they pay attention regardless now."

"...You're right. Sorry about that, by the way. I heard about you crying- Paper didn't take that personally, did he?" Isn't Oj talking directly to Paper?? He didn't even seem surprised with Oj's comment, and just replied casually!

"You know how he is. And it's hard to remember that it's all an act, since you ARE very real ex boyfriends still. I'd say we stop pretending, for our own sake. It's not like it worked anyway."

Ok, hang on. So all of that shit in the cafeteria was like a play to them? They were just pretending to hate each other?? Paper's tears felt so real, was he pretending when I tried to comfort him?... That thought made my chest ache a little bit. At the very least, Oj might be a good person!

"It never works. Everyone in this place irritates the hell out of me! They're driving me insane with how little respect or basic decency they have around here! I wish they'd all get out and not come back."

Despair's Insanity - an II x DR ficWhere stories live. Discover now