VU - ???

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I don't know what was going on in my head at the time. It all had happened so fast.

I felt like shit. My body was aching, and I couldn't really breathe either, but nobody came to sit with me or offer me any comfort.

Bomb showed up and tried to give me some weird inhaler thing, but I told him to leave me alone. I wanted someone else to come help me. I wanted Salt... but she wasn't there. As much as it sucked to think about, I knew she wouldn't magically show up after this much time.

I bet if she was at the hotel she wouldn't have visited anyway. I now got to lay on the cot that Baseball was laying in earlier and waited to die.

I thought that maybe I wouldn't die if I did something about it... the cure was around here after all, like Fan said. I had choked a few times on my own already, with different people getting me to hack it up every time, but even after a few hours I just got so sick and tired of it all, that I got up and went to find someone who was expendable enough.

Maybe Tissues was supposed to be my ideal victim- he was frail and pathetic. If I did kill him, everything would've probably been fine. I had gone into Trophy's room to find the guy, but only Trophy was there, asleep and clearly out of it. I wouldn't be able to kill him, even if he was hurt, so I searched his room instead. He had everything in place like the killing game wasn't even happening, and I saw a metal bat stuffed in his closet, so I took that and continued looking for someone.

As I had shakily wobbled through the hall, I saw a pile of bones, shaky in tone and probably on the edge of death. I didn't bother to see what could be behind it, and swung with all my might into its head. It wasn't enough to make it die, but it collapsed... and Baseball instantly lunged at me.

He had run to tackle me, but I ran at him as well and swung my bat again, hitting him in the side and throwing him off just enough for me to notice a jagged edge right underneath the bat's handle.

I turned it around as soon as I could and started jabbing it without even looking to see if I had hit anything. I could hear it though. The makeshift knife piercing Baseball was loud- and I could feel blood splashing onto me as he had fallen to the ground, gasping for air.

Just like that, it was all over. I won, and I killed them. Nobody would know because why would they suspect ME of stabbing somebody? I hadn't done anything yet- I wouldn't do anything later. I was the background character they'd never suspect.

But then Fan showed up, smiling at the corpses as he led me into the room so he could close the door and hide what I'd done. His smile made my skin crawl.

"Oh dear, oh dear... What would Salt think of you right now? A murderer? She's a bitch, but I don't think she'd c-"

"Don't you say her name." My grip on the bat tightened. "Don't you EVER say her name. You don't deserve to mention her- you're nothing but a slimy little worm and Test Tube is a fucking moron for ever being your friend! HOW'S THAT FEEL?!" He stood there in silence, looking me dead in the eye as his smile turned into a frown. He pulled something out from behind his back, and I didn't even know what it was until I'd heard the gunshot, and seen my own stomach burst.

Instantly, I fell over. I didn't struggle for long, and my breathing felt easier and easier as it got less frequent. Fan stepped onto my back.

"Aaaand that's what happens! I'm so sorry... play stupid games, win stupid prizes, I suppose."

My last breath felt incredible- like I had just been freed of all my troubles. Everything was so clear and bright. I thought I could see everyone coming to cheer me on, like I'd waken up from a nightmare... but it soon turned to black. Everything was gone, and I was alone again.

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