KEC - 3

35 0 2

I feel like every time I woke up in the hotel during that damn game, there was some new disaster that everyone had to panic over or attend to. Murder, someone being viscerally upset, and whatnot. When I woke up after the organizing session, the worst thing that happened was the distortion and static playing at first. I know it's annoying to mention over and over, but even today I can still hear it sometimes in the back of my mind. It had looped over once or twice, so I knew most of it at this point. I told myself it would get easier over time, and that my motive still wasn't that bad by any means. Headaches were bad, but spasms? Being tied to someone? Losing two of your most crucial senses?... what I had was nothing.

Getting out of bed, bathing, dressing, and brushing my teeth like usual weren't difficult with the situation I found myself in, though I still hoped some people I hadn't talked to might've been as fortunate as I was. As soon as I had opened up the door to socialize, I noticed the hall lights were off, and Baseball stood a few feet away from my door. He was holding onto his stomach and hunching over, groaning in what I assumed was pain or... maybe he was drunk. What time even was it?... I glanced at my phone, and instantly felt confused when I realized it was two in the morning. Sometimes I wake up at ungodly hours, but it's always confusing when that kinda thing happens. That wasn't my main concern at the time though- I turned my focus to Baseball.

Baseball looked up to see me, a smile coming up in an instant. "Lifering!- Thank god, I thought I was gonna die here!" I inspected his face a little closer to see what the hell he meant, and noticed his sickly pale face. His eyes were losing color, and his entire body looked ready to crumple on the ground. I took a look around before walking over to him.

"What's going on? What do you mean?"

"I- I tried asking someone else for help, but they just got really frightened..." Baseball chuckled as he started unzipping his coat and pulled it open. He showed me a white tank top covered in darkened splotches and rips. "Somebody stabbed me a couple times a while, but they left- and I don't know what I did wro-" I grabbed Baseball by the arm immediately and dragged him into my room. What the hell are these people thinking- who left him outside my room to get treated?! I gave them specific instructions on how to help someone if they collapsed, but they would've never been around to see him collapse because they went to sleep. Great!

I sat him on my bed while I tried my hardest to recall how to treat stab wounds. Soap probably knew what to do, but there's gotta be more to treatment than the stitching stunt she pulled the other day.

I figured out a plan eventually; just stop the bleeding, assess the damage, clean it up, and properly cover it. I couldn't do a lot of that by myself- but Baseball's tough! I had a feeling he could handle the bare minimum treatment if he already sat around for god knew how long ... something I was still not happy about. I made him take off his coat and tank top, and grabbed a beach towel from my closet so I could stop the bleeding.

The moment I pressed the towel against his stomach even slightly, Baseball winced and tried to pull back. I didn't let him, pinning his legs down for a moment. "I know it hurts," I said as calmly as I could, "but I need to make them stop bleeding. It's a miracle you're even conscious with the puddle you left in the hall!"

Baseball was still making uncomfortable whines each time I started to press. "Doesn't mean it doesn't fucking- ow!- Son of a bitch! That hurts!"

"I know it hurts! I said I know- I can't make it feel good, Baseball!"

"You could probably get something-"

"And leave you here like this?! Fat chance!" I rolled my eyes, and Baseball groaned as a little puffing sound came from behind me. Of course...

"I was playing Candy Crush in the camera room and I heard you two making some questionable dialogue!" Fan giggled. "Turns out someone just tried to kill Baseball... what's going on? What happened? I want details!" He didn't even sound or look tired as he sat down next to the both of us- on MY bed. I tried to ignore him.

"Look, I think they've almost stopped, but I still have to clean the wounds and stuff- you could get infected!" I felt like no matter how many times I reminded him of the process, Baseball wasn't going to listen. At the time it was frustrating, but I couldn't exactly blame him either. Getting stabbed and left behind probably isn't the best experience.

Baseball shook his head and sighed. "Lifering- am I gonna die?"

I stopped for a second, kind of dumbfounded. But once I lifted the towel, I didn't see it getting bloody again. "...I don't think so," I replied quietly. "I- there's a very low chance they stabbed anything important given where the wounds are."

"Huh- really? I guess being chubby kinda worked out for me then. Lightbulb's gonna be pleased to hear that!"

"Yeah, yeah," Fan grumbled as he pushed me away from Baseball. "No murder here, but hey! Two attempted murders in ONE day?! That's gotta be a new record! Anyway, he's probably fine so I'll take it from here, Life boy. You go on ahead and have some fun."

Have some fun? It was two in the morning! How would I have fun knowing someone was bleeding out in my room?? How could I trust Fan after what he's done to us?! And yet despite my thoughts...

I left the room. Maybe I just wasn't thinking anymore- or maybe I didn't want to deal with Baseball's whining about how I sucked at helping out. After I took a few steps down the hall, I ran into somebody to talk to, thankfully.

Despair's Insanity - an II x DR ficWhere stories live. Discover now