KEC - 7 (Execution)

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A Tale of the Pallid Poet - Balloon's Execution

Balloon got dropped off into a dark room, with nothing but an office desk and a chair in front of Fan. A piece of paper was set down on it, along with a quill and some ink. Fan smiled at Balloon as he walked over, still sobbing. Unlike the last execution, there was no ambience, no music, or even somewhat interesting visuals to keep things somewhat captivating... just pure silence and empty darkness, that only got filled with dialogue.

"Unfortunately," Fan began, "there's no task for you. You're going to die no matter what you try, but I just wanted to give you a chance to write something one last time. Make it count, ok?"

"If...if that's my only option, then fine." Balloon had clearly given up, and sat at the desk, dipping the quill a couple times before he began to write. For an execution, this seemed quite boring, as Fan only watched, and nothing actually happened to bring in suspense... but eventually there were voices. They whispered, but had some very harsh things to say about Balloon.

"What a horrible person."

"Can you believe some of them forgave him?"

"I've never hated a character more in my life..."

"What a selfish little brat."

"Knife deserved better than this!"

Balloon put the quill back into the ink container after a few minutes, done with his poem, and he looked up from the desk to see Nickel standing where Fan had been. Balloon's eyes welled up with tears, and he picked up the paper. "Nickel... my poem- I mean- I- I wasn't in control when Knife came- I'm not in control of my own body sometimes- I think I blacked out! You're my friend- you gotta believe me!"

"You abandoned me when I had that problem. Remember?"

"...what? I never-" Nickel cut him off, stepping closer to Balloon, who got up from the chair.

"I was so stressed during the third season. I was cursed, forced to believe that all of my friendships and accomplishments were a lie, and you gave me no sympathy, despite me moving past everything you'd done to my friends for our friendship. You couldn't even bother to give to me what I gave to you."

"Nickel...please! It's not like that! I cared about you- I was just confused- and- and angry! I don't want the last time I see you to end like this!" Nickel said nothing, and his body began to glitch out, before fading away into nothingness. Balloon stared at the empty space he'd taken up seconds ago, completely mortified. The glitching appeared behind Balloon after a moment, and Nickel returned with something in his hand. I couldn't see what it was before the object got plunged into Balloon's back. The blood flew everywhere and covered Nickel, but he pulled the object out and plunged it into Balloon's back yet again. Balloon said nothing. Balloon did nothing. He didn't even scream anymore. He just sat there and took the stabs.

We watched him slowly bleed out, and he eventually collapsed forward, the poem still in his hand. Nickel picked it up, read it over, and tore it to shreds. We'll never know what Balloon's last poem was about, or what it contained.

Just like that, the screen went black.

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