Epilogue - 2

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Hi everyone, my name is Trophy. There's not much to say about somebody like me, but I guess this is a story about how I ended up in a game centered around murder for your entertainment, and Blueberry's form of revenge.

I'd been in this hotel for a while, many years, but it's been pretty different the past six months. There's a force field surrounding the hotel, killer drones look out for anyone outside of it, and on the inside?

My schedule's about the same. Fourteen people have been comatose for the past two or three days, but I had my roommate to keep me sane at least. Wake up, put on a sleep bra and some sweatpants, eat breakfast with Microphone, brush my teeth, shower, dry my hair, do some stretches for an hour, and sit on the couch with Microphone the rest of the day.

Today wasn't any different. Her and I were just lying there, staring at the ceiling as we laid on opposite sides of the couch in the lobby. It felt weird to only ever hang out with one person, but Microphone and I had fallen into the same sort of basket. Two liars who had more in common than they must've thought- what a dynamic!

Microphone had been messing with her necklace, rubbing her finger around the star's edges, when we both heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She looked at me, I looked at her, but we did nothing. That's when we heard a loud voice, somewhat reminiscent of some kinda accent. York? Boston? One of those.

"Hey! Is anyone around here? Boy... this hotel sure is orange. They oughtta try a new color palette, don't you guys think?"

I heard a nerdy, timid voice from behind the boisterous one.

"I don't think we should be so concerned about a few colors. Do you think the others that went missing are here? I could've sworn the hotel had collapsed months ago..."

One by one, the dialogue between more and more people began to overlap, and Microphone and I sat up so we could sit together and watch everyone file in. They all looked confused, scared, crying, y'know.

That's when we saw Blueberry walk in through the front door, a sinister grin on his face. "Hi everyone. I'm absolutely thrilled you all decided to come downstairs- this is a special occasion, and the big second season for the ever famous Fantastic Features blog." He made some grand gesture with his hands, then put them on his hips as he stood with an air of confidence that he most definitely did not deserve to have. "Now, I'm sure you guys are all very confused, and that's normal- I was in your shoes once. But I wanted to tell you guys what was going on myself, so here I am. You'd better prepare your britches for this one... we're gonna play a real life session of the hit game, Danganronpa."

Danganronpa? That name sounded pretty familiar... and in a few seconds, Microphone and I started to laugh. Round two!

Let's hope it goes better.

Despair's Insanity
Status: ???

Despair's Insanity - an II x DR ficWhere stories live. Discover now