Chapter 25

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/Wednesday pov/

I woke up and feel my head really hurt.

I tried to sit but i got pull back in the bed. "E-enid?" I look to her she's staring at me.

"I told you that I can do it. Your a stubborn now look at yourself." Enid scold me.

I sigh and look at her "look enid I'm not a kid anymore so don't scold me like your my paren-" i got cut off when she hold my face.

"I know Addams."


She let go me and hugged me really tight. "Are you mad?" I ask because she's really quite.


"Really?" I look at her

"Yes why?" she kiss me and smile

"Hm~ well I don't like when your mad at me... Or something." I said and avoid her gaze.

She pin me down and look directly in my eyes. "I see. Well I'm mad last night because your drunk and try to fuck me."

I look to her shock "f-fuck you?"

"You heard me."

"Yes. Of course I heard you."

She sigh and roamed her hand in my body. "Those body and you, are only mine." She said and suck my neck until it leave a purple mark or should I say a hickey.

"Hmm yes I am yours"

She smile "good." I pull her and rub her thigh and whisper in her ears.

"And you are mine."

I chuckle when she cover her face. I can tell she's blushing.


I get up and take some clothes and towel "I'll just go to take a shower." I said and walk in inside of the bathroom.

While I'm taking my clothes off, enid take them off for me hug me in the back. I can feel she has no clothes on because her boobs is on my back.

"Enid... Your boobs please." I said and I'm blushing when she rub them in my back. "Why? Getting turned on?" She rub her pussy in my legs while rubbing her boobs in my back.

"N-no.." i feel her wet pussy rubbing against my legs. "Well... I'm getting wet here.." she rub them more.

She touch my private part and rub them "hmm enid... Stop we can do it in the night. We have still classe- oh fuck!" I gasp when she put inside her fingers and start moving out and in.

"Hm? What was that Addams?" She said and smirking and moving her fingers more. I can't take the pleasure and I moaned "ugh~ enid~ please stop hmm" i said and trying not to moan but failed.

"I know you like it Cara Mia" she whisper in my ears in hot voice.

"N-no... We're going to be late- ugh~" i moaned again because she's moving it fast and deep as she can.

She kissed my neck in the back. "Really? I don't care if we're late or..." She stop saying but her hands are still moving.

"You need to stop... Ugh Sinclair. We have a test today..Ugh shit" i cried in pain not really in pain because she press her fingers really deep and bite my neck that bleeds. Well I enjoy the bite but not the press. The press was felt good but hurts the same time.

"Yeah I forgot that damn" she takes her fingers out. I moan and groans when she takes them out. I'm really close to cum but I don't want to.

I breath heavy and glare at her when she lick her finger and laugh.

"Okay Weds I'm sorry... Please don't be angry.." she hugged me and kiss my face for a million times.

"Im not mad and let's just finish taking shower already." I said and kissed her forehead. She smile and nod.


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