Chapter 12

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/Wednesday pov/

It was Monday today and I need to go back in nevermore.

"Mother, I need to go."

"My little storm cloud, please take care" mother say and I sigh "yes."

I was about to leave but pugsley hug me "pugsley, I know you are soft and kind. Don't let yourself get bullied fight back if you don't want to get tortured by me." I said coldly and take his hands off, he smile and nod "Mhm I'll miss you too sis" he said and wave at me.

I'm walking back to my secret room and see it OPEN?! Shit who tf will come in here?!

I rush to the door and go inside... "There's no one here.."

Maybe i left it open? Did i? My thoughts cut off when i hear a noise from my bathroom. It's like a thing that fall. I didn't think twice to open the door there.

"Oh... There's no one." I say in air and look around.

I walk from the bathroom to prepare my things for class.

I walk inside of the class i saw yoko and everyone except enid. Strange.

Where that idiot?

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