Chapter 24

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/no one's pov/

Wednesday start walking in the woods.

She arrives at the door of the laboratory and try to open the door, she expect it to be lock but... No. It's not lock.

She goes in and slowly close the door.

Wednesday look around of the laboratory. She spot the purple liquid in the table. It's the same in that time, she approach it and check the liquid.

"Weird...." She said.

She see a shelf and a weird book there and about to take it but it's too high.

"I'm too short for that. Even the A/N is short."

(A/N: Lol)

She look around and saw some part of humans body in the jars.

Like a toes, fingers, ears, and... Organs.

Wednesday wonder why it's so many of the part of humans body in the jar.

Wednesday hear the door open and immediately hide in the back of the shelf.

She see tyler walking to the table with a jar.

He put a human parts in the jar. Wednesday hit his head by the baseball bat from the side of the table earlier.

Tyler fall in the ground unconscious.

Wednesday take her phone out and call Yoko and the others to help her carry and put in chains Tyler.

Yoko and the others arrived in the laboratory and see Wednesday waiting for them inside.

"So... What are we gonna do to him?" Ajax ask and look to Tyler.

"Chain him dumb." Wednesday said and everyone nods.

"We can put him in my drawing studio." Xavier said. Wednesday look to him and agree.

They take tyler in Xavier drawing studio and chain him in the chair.

"Well.... Wednesday why we chained this guy?" Yoko ask and got furrowed in Wednesday answer.

"Torture him so he can tell what his relationship with Ms.thornill and they're plan." Wednesday say in monotone.

"Are you serious about that?" Bianca said like she's not agreeing in Wednesdays plan.

"Yes." Wednesday take a taser.

"Woah don't tell me your going to use that?" Divina said.

Wednesday look to them and Tyler wake up.

He look at them in shock.

"W-woah guys... What are you doing?" Tyler ask in nervous when he saw Wednesday holding a taser.

"Torture you so you could tell us about your secrets?" Wednesday say in rude way.


"Don't act tyler." Wednesday taser him in the neck and everyone surprised.

"Wednesday!" Yoko call her name and Tyler look at her while groaning.

"W-wednesday?" He looks at Wednesday in shock.

"Yeah. I'm Wednesday." She take her mask and tyler eyes widen when he saw the girl in his front.

"How are you alive?"

"Long story."

She taser him again "now tell me about of Ms.thornill and you in the laboratory." She said.

"Wednesday we can plan something but not this." Yoko said and walk out, everyone follow her.

Wednesday look at them before look to him.

"Answer me tyler."

Tyler sweat "w-what do you mean?"

"I saw you guys in the laboratory."

"Wait you follow us...?"


Wednesday get a nails and hammer.

Tyler look to her wide eyes.

"What are you going to do?"

"Something that make you in tears and pain."

Tyler trying to escape from the chains but it's too tight for him to move.

Wednesday about to put nails on him but the door suddenly open by the sheriff.

"Stay away from my son." He said with the gun pointing on Wednesday.

Wednesday raise her hands and let go the hammer.

Sheriff and his ally let tyler go from the chains and take him outside.

"So... What are you planning to do Addams? Torturing my son?" The sheriff said and put his gun back.


Sheriff sigh "Wednesday Addams nevermore students let's meet tomorrow in the prison." He said.

"What if I refuse?"

"Don't ever think about to refuse and escape and how are you alive anyway?" Sheriff said.

"A long story."

"Well... Glad you alive but you make troubles."

Wednesday just look at him and say nothing.

The sheriff and his people leave her there.

She sighs.

She walk out from that place and start walking in the temple.

She look at it.

"Maybe tonight I'll go inside." She said and thing saw her.

Thing tap in the ground 'Enid is gonna find out that it's you.' he said.

Wednesday look at him "let her. I want her to find out that I'm alive and we're going here later." She said and turn around to leave.

She start walking when she saw Ms.weens walking towards her.

"Wednesday Addams i thought this is not with the plan? And especially you try to torture an normie?" Ms.weems said.

Wednesday answer her "Tyler is mysterious and we can't trust him that's why i need to torture him to say his secret."

"And you failed, you make troubles Addams."

"Well I'm not failed because i find something." Wednesday say in Cold tune.


"Like Ms.thornill and Tyler is hiding a big secrets."

"Not just that they have plan too but I don't know what is it so I'm going to find it out."

Ms.weems sigh and about to say when she saw Wednesday is already walking away.

"Wednesday." She said in pissed off tune because she just left her without letting her say something.

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