Chapter 57

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Yuna stood with her classmates as she stared up at the large building that had "1-A Alliance" painted on the front. The dorm building was one of many that made up UA's new dorm system, Heights Alliance. When Yuna left her home that morning, it had been surprisingly calm despite her parents knowing she wouldn't be coming home for a while. Although, she figured it was because they had already had their moments the day before when they were helping Yuna finish packing.

"Given everything that's happened, I'm glad we were able to bring Class A back together," Aizawa started as he stood in front of the class, looking tired as usual. "I'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly. First, however, we haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses you were supposed to get during the training camp. This is important, listen well. Kirishima, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida. You six are the ones who broke the rules and went to rescue Bakugo and Azumi that night."

The air seemed tense and Yuna glanced at Kaminari, who had a worried look on his face. The repercussions of him and the other five coming to save her and Bakugo had never even crossed her mind.

"Based on your reactions, I assume the rest of you were at least aware of their plan. I'm going to set aside a number of issues and just say this. If it weren't for All Might's retirement from the hero scene, I would expel everyone here, except Bakugo, Azumi, Jiro, and Hagakure." Aizawa continued, an uneasy feeling filling Yuna as he spoke. "The six of you who went, of course. But also the remaining 10 who didn't stop them. You betrayed our trust. Even if it was to keep your friends from getting into trouble. In order to regain our confidence, you'll need to obey every rule to the letter, and live as model students." There was a brief pause before Aizawa's tone shifted to nonchalant as he turned around and started walking toward the building, "That's all. Now, look alive. Enjoy your new home."

Yuna watched Aizawa walk toward the dorm's entrance as gloom hung over her classmates. Behind her, Bakugo clicked his tongue before he grabbed Kaminari and dragged him behind a bush. Yuna didn't really process what Bakugo was doing until electricity sparked from behind the bush and Kaminari came out brain-dead.

"What'd the hell you do that for?" Yuna questioned, narrowing her eyes at Bakugo as he walked over to Kirishima.

"Shut up!" Bakugo retorted before holding out money to Kirishima.

"Whoa, did you shake him down for cash?!" Kirishima exclaimed, voicing Yuna's same worries.

"No!" Bakugo growled. "This is my money, idiot. To replace what you spent."

"How'd you know I bought night vision goggles?" Kirishima asked as Bakugo shoved the money into Kirishima's chest so he would take it.

"Don't say I never gave you anything. Now I'm not in your debt." Bakugo said as he walked toward the dorm building. "Kaminari, show them your dumb side."

Yuna glanced over at Kaminari and let out a sigh before looking back at Kirishima, who was looking at her. "Uh, I'll cook everyone food tonight to make up for everything."

"You don't have to do that," Kirishima said.

Yuna shrugged, "Well if Bakugo gave you money, I have to do something. I mean, Bakugo did something as a thank you, it'd be weird if I didn't too. And I don't mind."

"Alright then," Kirishima replied with a smile, "Hey guys, dinner's on Azumi!"

The class cheered and Yuna sighed, not sure she had made the right choice by offering to make everyone food. But there was no going back now, and seeing everyone happy after everything that happened made her feel a lot better.

* * *

"Each student dormitory holds one class. Girls are on the right, and boys are on the left. The entire first floor is a common area. That's where you'll find your kitchen, baths, and laundry rooms." Aizawa explained as the class walked through the building. The entire first floor was bigger than Yuna's whole house and she had to remind herself multiple times that she'd be living there. "Living quarters start on the next floor. Four boys and four girls on each level. Everyone gets their own room, you should be comfortable. You've got your own AC, toilets, fridges, and closets." Aizawa held up a paper that had the room arrangments. "These are your dorm assignments. Anything you sent ahead has already been placed in your new rooms, so spend the day unpacking and getting settled. I'll tell you more about your next few lessons tomorrow. For now, get to work."

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