Chapter 16 - BACK !!

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"Excuse me, Can I have a cold coffee please with ice cream " I asked the air hostess

" sure maam " she replied .

" No , a fruit salad would work " Abhimanyu spoke to her .

" cold coffee " I repeated loudly .

" A fruit salad or sprout anything you have , you may leave " Abhimanyu ordered .

" what was that Abhimanyu? " I asked , giving him a death glare .

" you can't have coffee " he answered calmly .

" but why ??? " I asked him irritatedly and loudly .

" Calm down buddy " he spoke .

" why Abhimanyu ?? " I asked .

" because if you shout like this your blood pressure will increase " He spoke .

" You know what I am asking , right , just stop mocking at me " I spoke rudely .

" what are you asking bud I don't? " Abhimanyu asked .

" First of all that bud and buddy thing is irritating me to my core and secondly I was asking why coffee can't have I " I spoke loudly and irritatedly . He started this buddy thing , just to irritate me when I start to agrue with him . He found this new way of not being rude to me . I don't know why but this word irritated me a lot .

" what are you speaking Akshara ; and you can't have coffee because caffine can harm your health , its not allowed according to your diet plan " He told me .

" but doctor said that I can fulfill my cravings and I am literally craving for it right now " I spoke almost crying .

" yes Akshara but he also said sometimes , and you already had Chole kulche , Dumplings and Tiramisu , your sometimes is over " He answered .

" but I really want to have cold coffee" I spoke sobbing .

" Ak.. Akshara why are you crying ?" He asked .

" I want cold coffee " I answered .

" Akshara seriously , you are crying over a coffee " he asked .

" No I am not crying for coffee " I answered sobbing .

" Then why are you crying ? " He asked me again .

" I don't know , maybe yes for coffee " I answered .

" okay , calm down fine you want to have cold coffee right with ice cream , as soon as we land , I am getting you best chocolate smothie , will that work " Abhimanyu spoke trying to calm me down .

" Yes that's fine , but I don't know why I just can't stop crying " I spoke .

" you can just try having this fruit salad , maybe this can calm you or stop you from crying " Abhimanyu spoke sweetly passing me the bowl of fruits .

" yes you're right " I said and started having the salad .

After an hour we would land and after landing the first thing I thought of doing was seeing marry , to check on her see her, speak to her . Also , I missed my home , because I have never been out of Pune for so long . I had to meet Sakshi as well and the thing I was most excited about was getting free from The Abhimanyu Birla's cage . Uggh finally after 16 days I would be breathing free without any instructions . Just the thought of it was making so happy .

THE DEAL : Abhira Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin