Chapter 25 -- BITTERSWEET

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" Abhimanyuuu " I screamed shaking him .

" Akshu , are you okay ? What happened ? Is it paining " He asked  panicking and then caressed my belly .

" What ? Noo.. " I replied making faces and jerking off his hands .

" oh okay !! then why did you screamed ? " he asked , laying down and covering himself with duvet .

" Because I am hungry and I am not feeling sleepy  " I spoke pulling him up by his collar .

" Hungry ?? Really Akshu you just had your snacks " He asked getting irritated .

" Yes I am , I want Pasta , a cheesy white sauce pasta " I spoke .

" At 3 a.m.? " he asked with a pale face .

" Yes " I answered .

" Akshu , no restraunts must be open at this hour and Seema ji is also not there , staff must be sleeping ; you also try and sleep " he said turning the lamp off .

He was right , he had been in office since morning , he must be tired and I can't keep him awake just because I am not feeling sleepy but I am hungry as well . Maybe , I should just go and find something to eat in the kitchen . I got up carefully , not to wake him up , using washroom , I went down to the
kitchen , I had some berries , drank some juice which was healthy although healthy food and I don't fit well together but then I had no other option , I was feeling hungry and was too lazy to cook something .

While I was having my mid night snacks , Bono came to me .

" ayee Bono , you are up ? " I asked and Bono replied clinging on to me .

" You want some treat ? Since your father is sleeping you can get some , I know you are undergoing your punishment but its fine we will not tell him , you can have it secretly " Abhimanyu had punished Bono because he had fought with the other dogs in the building this morning despite of Abhi asking him to back off but he continued so Abhi decided not to give any treat to Bono for next two weeks . Since he was getting treat he got excited and started to jump around me he tried to hug me excitedly by my waist , in which the glass of water I was holding fell down . All the water spilled .

" Bono baby , see what have you done ; now wait I will get you your treat stay still " saying this I got up and brought the treat , I gave him and he excitedly grabbed it . I decided to clean the mess because I didn't wanted Abhi to know this . I was about to bend down and pick up the glass pieces when I felt a shooting pain in my abdomen . I thought it would get fine , it was a normal pain but it didn't vanish it kept on increasing , and increased to this level that I was not able to stand . I just somehow tried to move up to room to wake Abhi up but all in vain . Bono was busy having his treat so he didn't notice me and I was not able to speak a word because of the pain . I tried to move forward atleast uptill Bono so that he could see me and call Abhi but as I moved forward , I slipped on the water and fell down with a loud thud that's when Bono saw me , I saw blood all around my left arm and Bono running upstairs before I lost my conciousness .


I slept peacefully after asking Akshu to try and sleep . Thirty minutes later , my eyes opened realising Bono jumping on me pulling my tee , biting my hands .

" Bono , sleep its still night " I ordered him sleeply .

He didn't pay any heed and continued with pulling and biting . I got irritated since I was up yesterday night because of presentation and now this was third time I was getting disturbed . I got up and switched on the lamp .

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