Chapter 53- AGONIZING

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" I was 5 year old , when my mother left me and my father .. she left us because she .. she loved some one , she cheated on my father " Abhimanyu reveals.

" Her getting married with my father and having a kid , was all just part of her plans .. her
.. the person she loves was not rich , his status symbol didn't match with her family due to which her father refused to get her married to him and got her married to my father , she used to go on dates , trips all on my father's expense , she used to lie going on vacations with her friends , while my father was busy earning , she used to spend his hard earned money for that man and when my father had a doubt she.. she.. tricked him and got pregnant, due to which papa was really happy he forgot everything and served that lady like anything just because she was going to give birth to his baby and she just used him , she got me so attached to herself so that papa can't oust her even when he wanted to because I was affected with that my health was affected with , that women used me and my father like anything just to give everything to that man and his son " Abhimanyu says with tears rolling down his cheeks while a shocked Akshara who was crying as well sat beside him holding his hands in hers tightly .

" She gave a big amount to that man so that he can set up his own business and when he finally did , she left us , she left me crying , sick and suffering, she left my father begging to save his son's life , but she left " Abhimanyu says , Akshara was shocked would be an understatement, she has never seen him like this , this vulnerable, this emotional . Although they have been living together for two years but Abhimanyu never trusted her enough to show his emotions or maybe he never wanted to trust her to show is vulnerable side.

" Abhi... " Akshara says cupping his face and wiping the tears.

" She left my father heartbroken , my father lost everything but then he lived for me and I and papa became each other's strength , even after all this papa never ever told me anything about that lady whenever I used to ask him about her he would just say that she's at her father's house because he was sick , I got to know all this when I went to U.S for a meeting and found her there along with that man and her new family happily living their life , I was heart broken seeing that I went to meet her but she ignored me but since her husband was our client I had to meet her again and there she refused to recognise me and met me like a stranger , Akshara it hurt , it hurt me the most that day and that was the day when I started hating women and never ever wanted one in my life , I decided that my father would be my family forever but I guess destiny had different plans when I came back , Papa told me about his health issues , he had third stage lung cancer, I tried .. I tried my best to save my father but I couldn't save him .. I was depressed , had anxiety issues , had suicidal tendencies , after loosing him when Ritika helped me out , she.. she took me to the various doctors , she used to make me visit orphanage , old age homes and slowly helped me to ease the things , she showed me how there are other people suffering more than in the world , my suffering seemed so less than theirs that's what inspired me for my dream project .. then my one of my doctor adviced to adopt a child so that I can have someone to share my feelings , to show love and concern to but I got superstitious and greedy I thought if I get a child through surrogacy then maybe I get my father back as my child and that's when I met you" Abhimanyu says while Akshara hugged Abhimanyu tightly .

" Akshara , I didn't help you that day because I wanted you to be a surrogate for my baby I helped you because I really wanted to , because I knew how it felt to lose the only person you have as family to cancer , I really wanted to save you grandma because maybe by saving her I could have got myself out of the guilt of not being able to save my father .. yes I was horrible to you and yes I was selfish , kind of forced you to get into my plan because at the same time I really wanted a baby. You agreed , everything was going smoothly and honestly I had no plans to stay with you after the delivery but you got me attached to yourself , your little concern , care took over me , it started to heal me suddenly I had a feeling of belongingness , you know after whatever that women did to me and my father I had this immense hate for women and thought everyone was same , never wanted to marry anyone , neither have a mother for my child because I thought all the women were same .. but you changed my perception Akshara you changed it and whenever I saw you holding your belly talking to the baby , it gave me nothing but peace , I felt so happy seeing that because it was all genuine , I felt that genuineness between you and Abhir , since then whenever you said about leaving my heart ached and I didn't knew why until Ritika made me realise that I started to feel for you .. I considered you as my family , I started to love you and I was going to propose you for marriage that day when you got to know about Marry's death , I really felt guilty and was heartbroken after that but since I wanted to give you space and time , I didn't wanted talk you forcefully but then I saw you with hanging out with Neil not once twice but very often , my past flashed through my mind I didn't wanted Abhir to go through what I went through as a kid , I want to give him the best childhood , I wanted to protect him from trauma , which is why I did what I did , Akshara it's not that I don't trust you , I trust you enough , I don't trust that man because .. because he is son of that lady who destroyed my and Papa's life , I did wanted him as investor but more so that I can destroy him and his father because they are happily living at the cost of us grieving . I took out my frustration on you because I wanted to protect my son and maybe because I was heartbroken as well because I .. I love you Akshara , because I can't imagine Abhir and my life without you after living for years together " Abhimanyu says looking in Akshara's eyes which were filled with tears
" Akshara I ... " Abhimanyu started speaking but before he could complete Akshara took his lips in a soft kiss pouring in all the anger , hurt , sympathy , guilt .

Ps- This is the same place where Akshu revealed about her past.


Oh ! I was so excited for you all to read this !!!

2 more chapters to go !!

Ignore typos !


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