Chapter 1: Luxvell High

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Athena Rei's POV:

"Hurry! We're going to be late Athena!"

"Sorry, I'm still pissed with this short skirt of mine. Tch..."

It's already 6:30 in the morning and Chelsea's here to fetch me even though both of us have our cars.

"Gian and Kenzo are already outside, I'm sure both of them are bored while waiting for you."

"Tsk, who even planned this thing that we will have a convoy going to our new school, huh?"

"Uhm... them? So we can have a grand entrance in Luxvell High?"

"Exactly, so they mustn't complain about me being late because they schemed this without my approval."

She just giggled as a response. I just hop inside my elegant red car. Chelsea moved and opened the gate for me and I drove it out of my garage.

I noticed Gian's head as he peeked out of his car's window, which is a Ferrari. He's also wearing sunglasses even though it's so cloudy today.

"Nothing new, you're still late as always," he said while shaking his head.

"It's still 6:30 am. Don't be too excited, we're still early.." I heard Kenzo say as he peeked through his black car window. 

I saw Chelsea enter her white car. After some minutes I was following their tracks going to Luxvell High. 

We're in a convoy as to what they decided to do. We're heading down an unfamiliar track, and there's no other car taking this path aside from ours.

This trail is heading to a secluded exclusive school called Luxvell High. I didn’t even know the existence of this school, not until we received a letter requesting us to transfer here. Our parents are well aware of it, though.

Even though we don't want to enter this exclusive-well-organized-school-whatever-it-is-and-such, our parents insisted on a reason that we don't even know. The direction of the path going to Luxvell High was also indicated there inside the letter. Weird...

There's a long path at the center of the woods but I can tell that the place we're going to is not just a typical school like the ones we've seen, because of the elegant path that we're now passing through. Neat, well cemented and there are some gothic designed pillars built beside the street. Amazing, just made only for Luxvell High.

Now I could see the high walls and I knew behind those walls was where Luxvell High is located.

I saw the large carvings of its name above the school gate made of elegant silver carvings which are shining because of the bright sunlight hitting on it.

The huge silver emblem is very eye-catching as well and it's like a phoenix's wings.

I'm so amazed that I didn't even realize that we're already entering the big gate. Now in front of us is a dark aisle but after some seconds a white laser-like flash of light passes which slightly made my eyes hurt. 

The light came from the area where I saw a guy on guard. I'm too amazed, especially when I see the school logo that is printed on the right side of my uniform glimmering, maybe it's for security purposes.

When we passed through that dark aisle, my mouth gaped as I saw the school. All the buildings were white, some had glass walls and everything. There are silver lining designs on every building as well. So vast, so beautiful and it passed as an exclusive school for elite students. Wealth is shouting in every corner of this school.

My eyes roamed and feast on the beautiful buildings and stuff until we parked our cars in the wide school parking lot.

I quickly hopped out of my car, got my sling bag, and ran towards my friends who were already out of their cars as well.

Eluding Darkness: Luxvell High (English Ver.)✓Where stories live. Discover now