Chapter 14: The Nightmare

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INTUITION, the "gut feeling", the sense which everyone felt without any logical reasons in a specific time and situations...

As I look around and watch everyone enjoying the night, that feeling hit me.

"And now, let's announce the winner for the King and Queen of Masquerade ball"

I looked around. Everyone were very excited,  clapping their hands and cheering for whom they want to win.

"For the King of the Masquerade ball, let's clap our hands for, Mr. Gregory Ash Don!"

The stadium got filled with cheers and claps. The girls were squealing as Gregory's shot flashed in the screen.

His face. It's so handsome and I can't resist looking at it. No wonder that he got this year's title.

This joyful event will end after this announcement and dance, but I won't join the loud party after this because I'm not feeling well, I don't know why.

I grabbed my pouch, about to tell everyone and Sam that I'll go ahead when they announced the Queen of Masquerade Ball.

"Let's clap our hands for the new Queen, Ms. Athena Rei Valdez!"

I was stunned as my name announced and my look flashed on the big monitor. I heard a lot of cheers especially from my friends and other students in the event. I smiled because of the appreciation I got.

"May I request Mr. Gregory and Ms. Athena on stage..." Celine announced.

I sighed and stood firmly and about to walk when Sam stood too and offer his arm for me.

"Congratulations. You deserved it..." He whispered to me as we walk.

"Thanks Sam..." I genuinely smiled at him.

He guide me at the center. My eyes were fixed at the monitor and both our pictures were flashing there...

"You look good together..." Sam chuckled beside me. I hit his arm gently.

"No thanks... I'd rather choose you to be my King tonigh---"

I gasped as the lights turned off. Some started panicking as I hear their wondering voice and murmurs.

I hold tight on Sam's arm while he is just silent and calm.

Suddenly, a bright light coming from the monitor opened. The murmurs got louder, asking what is happening...

I don't know but, is this a part of this event?

It opened and started flashing some pictures of a pretty girl, she's familliar...

Samuel stiffened as he saw the pictures flashing in the monitor.

I'm about to ask him why when abruptly, a video plays at the monitor and a lamenting voice of the girl echoed coming from the videotape.

The screen flashed the girl from the pictures, sitting on a small stool, bathing on her own blood while staring at the camera...

"H-help me... I didn't do a-anything..."

I trembled and my body weakened, grabbing Samuel's arm tightly for support.

"Clarie Santos..." Sam murmured.

That's why she's familiar. She's one of my classmates...

I looked at the tape and it was recorded this morning. How?!

"P-please h-help me--- AHHH!"

I heard some shouting to turn off the tape but everyone might be in daze of what's happening...

Eluding Darkness: Luxvell High (English Ver.)✓Where stories live. Discover now