Chapter 15: The Nightmare 2

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AN hour had past. I was stunned by the loud slam of the door.

"R-reinne?!" I said.

The guy is dragging Reinne by her hair and throw her off the floor.

"I-i'm s-sorry. I-i'm sorry..." She cried loud on me.

"Shh, n-no it's o-okay.. it's okay..."

I caress her hair and hugged her while glaring at the four goons at the doorway. Their irritating laughs mixed with Reinne's sobs. I gritted my teeth to avoid bursting in anger.

They walked out of the room and slammed the door shut and locked it. I kept on comforting Reinne as she continued crying. She has a lot of bruises.

"A-athen... I'm s-sorry, I didn't make it..." She's sobbing and her make up are smudging her face.

I hugged her. That's all I could do to ease her grief. I'm too scared too, but I need to be brave for her. We need to get out of this filthy basement.

"R-reinne, e-everything will be fine. Gian and the others will seek some ways. Trust them..."

We fell asleep, sitting on the floor while hugging each other after crying a pail of tears...


"Just make sure you won't put any scratches on them, especially to that girl. They need her..." The familiar guy spoke.

"As what I've said, I can't promise that Forter..." He grin.

"Just think about the task..." The guy left and the six remained.

I ready myself for defense when suddenly he dragged Reinne away from me..


I hurriedly stood and kicked him on his face and it hitted.

"A-athen!" Reinne shrieked.

The five men were about to attack me but I instantly stood up and fight them.

Their groans filled the small basement room. With all the strength I got, I need protect Reinne!

I continued fighting but abruptly, I fell down and hissed in pain because of the shot I got in my thigh.

I groaned and yelled in pain. I cupped my thigh and it continued to bleed. My hand is now filled with my blood.

"What a brave lady..."

He kicked my stomach that made me cough hard. My vision gets blurred but I tried to reach Reinne but he grab her hair and pulled it up making her stood and cried in pain...

"Hold the girl tight!" He yelled and aimed the gun on his men that hurriedly followed him.

"What are you doing!" I screamed and he just give me a mocking laugh.

He pushed Reinne towards the five men. He squatted in front of me, grabbed my face and make me look at him...

"You're a beauty. No wonder that he's into you..." He whispered to my ear.

"I don't know what youre talking about so shut the f*ck up!" I yelled but he just licked his lips...

"That guts you got. I like it..."

I spit on his mask. He cussed hard and gave me a heavy slap on my face. My lip bleed by that and I glared at him.

"Be glad that I can't touch you..." He smirked then goes to Reinne.

I panicked when he pulled Reinne down on the floor. He lighten up his cigarette and started removing his upper clothing...

"W-what are you doing?" Reinne asked while trembling.

Eluding Darkness: Luxvell High (English Ver.)✓Where stories live. Discover now