Chapter 29: Two Inflicted Pain

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MY schedules was so hectic. Weeks had been passed.

At school, the practice for the play was already perfect. We had rehearsal yesterday with our costumes and the technical sounds and affects were already been tested on the rehearsal.

I'm too worn out of it and every weekends, I have a training with Caliber. It's continues for my own benefits.

And for those weeks, I received a single rose with a simple letter and chocolates, and that's everyday. Now, I'm starting to get interested to know who is this admirer I have.

I'm still hoping that it's Gregory but I'm aware that he's busy. I was holding on at the thought that he might doing this because he's too busy to meet me and just left some presents for me. On the other hand, he's not a type of guy who'll do some sweet things.

It's bad that I'm assuming a lot on this. Gregory still didn't confess to me that his liking for me is deep. Probably, before I assume for something from him, I need an assurance from him that he's into me...

I gave some of the chocolates to our maids. The fridge is almost filled by it, I don't want to have a cavities eating much of it as well.


The said Foundation Day came. The academy was so crowded. A lot of people visited, especially the family of the students studying here. The school is open too for outsiders, or from other schools who wanna have fun.

It's already the third day of the foundation day and we will now perform our theater play on stage with the viewers.

I feel nervous while preparing backstage. I'm inside the performer's room and our make-up artists are fixing our looks. I'm holding the scripts and reading the flownonce again as they fix my hair.

“Athena! Goodluck!”

I glance at the guy who shouted outside the room. It was Martin, peeking inside the room. He's holding a banner with 'Goodluck Athena!' written on it.

I chuckled. I mouthed good luck as well before he head back to his task.

As the time goes, our play had finally started. The amphitheater was filled. I know my brother and Caliber was there in the crowd too.

Thankfully, the play goes on successfully until we reached the climax near the ending scene. I'm wearing my princess like gown while being restrained by two guys. My hands were both tied up as what the play goes.

The scene is the main character was abducted and about to be sentenced to death in the woods his mysterious leading man on mask will appear to save her and his identity will be revealed, and Khail leads the role.

The scene was just right at alam kong mag eend ng maayos. I was relieved because the play will end well tonight and I know that the crowd is satisfied as I glance at their reactions.

"Let go of me! Don't kill me please!"

I acted, just like what in the scene. They guys laugh at me until Khail appeared in his knight and shining armor.

I was a bit puzzled when I saw Hu is knight armor different on what he supposed to be used for today. He is wearing a Black Knight suit which is supposed to be red..

The guys asked him but he didn't responded as what the script supposed to happen. We're even startled by it. Khail just gestured the guys to attack him and they professionally got it.

Stunned and shocked, that's what the main character must react but no, that's really what I felt and reacted while watching on them.

Khail is good at combat action but, what I'm seeing now is more than that. It is so graceful! More than what he did on our practice and the last rehearsal.

Eluding Darkness: Luxvell High (English Ver.)✓Where stories live. Discover now