Chapter 26: Agreed

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MORNING came. I'm awaken from the touch of the light from the sun passing through the windows.

I opened my eyes and viewed the weather. It's a fine day with the sky so clear like of the bluish ocean, the storm has indeed gone...

I gawked beside me and Gregory wasn't there anymore. He woke up earlier than me...

I immediately sat and stretches. I frowned as I felt the pain in my legs and hips. Probably, because of too much running and from the wound I got from the bullets...

I roam my eyes around before checking myself. That's the time when I asked myself who dressed me up last night. I was in the tub and woke up already in bed while dressed up.

I instantly checked myself even more, touching my entire body. D*mn! I'm too dumb to asked myself just now!

Suddenly, the door opened at the other side and Gregory came out from it. I was stunned when I realized that he's just done with a shower...

He is busy wiping his wet hair with a clean white towel, and also, his lower body was just covered by the body towel wrapped in his sexy waist, a bit revealing the v-shaped detailed lines down to his thighs...

I clearly saw his detailed features. Looking up to his compact 6 pack abs until my eyes gawked to his broad chest and sexy collars, added by his neck and adam's apple...

My cheeks instantly burned red while admiring his hot body. I'm doomed! I can't take my eyes off him. I wanna get my eyeballs from my eyes sockets to remove it's impurities. D*mn perv self I wanna slap myself for that!

As he's too busy drying his soaked raven hair, he didn't noticed my gazes at him. Only when Gregory looked up and narrowed his dark mesmerizing eyes on me was the time when he's shocked and widened his eyes. But it's just for a split of second as it turns to be a smirk. What the h*ll...

I covered myself when I remembered my dress.

“Y-yah!? Y-you get m-me dressed when I fell asleep in the tub, didn't you?!” I panicked.

“What?” His smirk turns into confused look.

I grabbed the lampshade at his table and aimed it on him. H-he did just saw my gorgeous body!

He tilted his head then suddenly laughed. It was so adorable that I ended up starting at his handsome face. How can a guy like him looked to be so handsome in any move he made?

After laughing, he tilted his head and leaned towards me. My body system started to shaken up as I feel his warm breath on my face and the tickling sensation of the water droplets from his hair. Holy smoke...

“I didn't saw it, but I hope soon...” He casually said and winked.

I wanted to faint! I'm aware that I'm blushing in fromt of him. Why am I like this! Wake up Athena!

I felt his hand on my chin and closed my mouth. My lips were parted again, too humiliating!

He chucked then stood up straight, proceeded on what he was doing.

“The maids get you dressed up...” He cleared and I just nodded like a kiddo. Yeah, I'm stupid sleeping in the tub..

“Take a bath and wear this on. I'll take you home after breakfast..." He handed a paperbag. I checked it and saw a blue dress and other things I need.

“Do it quickly. You're brother must be worrying now...” He added.

“O-okay...” I totally forgot!

“Use my bathroom...” I nod and hurriedly went inside his bathroom with the paperbags.

The scent of the bathroom was so manly, even the stuff inside. So thoughtful of him buying complete girl stuff for me...

Eluding Darkness: Luxvell High (English Ver.)✓Where stories live. Discover now