Chapter 9: Stay Away

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I'm planning not to attend the first hour of the class to meet Mr. Chains.

I get my sling bag and opened the door of our dorm room and saw Blake, the Class President about to knock on our door.

"Good morning. Mr. Chains wanted to see you in his Office" He directly said and gave way for me.

"Do you know why?" I humbly asked him as we walk.

"I don't know, but I think it's about what happened to Mr. Cambridge..." He said that stopped me.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"It's a right timing" I proceeded to walk again with him.

I looked at his features. Blake and Gregory have the same height. He have clean cut hair,  long lashes, pointed nose and his aura gaves off a strong authority.

"I know that I'm handsome..." He suddenly said.

"Whatever, boastful..." I murmured.

"I heard that..." He replied.

Is he a mind reader? He has a strong sense of hearing too.

Both of us became silent 'till we arrived at the headquarters of the campus with a mini ocean park inside, how odd.

We entered the elevator and proceeded to Mr. Chains' office.  Blake opened the door for me and gestured me to went inside.

I entered and saw Mr. Chains sitting on his swivel chair with a man with a bit younger age than Mr. Chains. He's sitting at the chair in front of the dean's table.

"Good morning Ms. Valdez. I hope you don't mind my sudden call" He said.

"I don't mind Sir" I replied shortly and glance at the guy in front of me.

"Meet Mr. Lecero, the Vice President of Luxvell High" Mr. Chains said.

So he's that Mr. Lecero.

Blake seated beside him and silently observed us. I choose to be silent too and wait for Mr. Chains to start.

"I guess you knew why you've been called here Ms. Valdez" He asked and I nod.

"Mr. Blake told me earlier Sir" I formally said while holding my slingbag on my lap.

"Gregory will come here too. Let's just wait for him..." He said that caught me off guard.

I'm about to ask when the door flung open and Gregory entered, wearing his neat uniform and grimacing at us.

"Good morning Mr. Don..." Mr. Chains formally greeted.

He seated beside me without saying anything. He didn't even glance at me nor to Blake and Mr. Lecero in front of him.

The atmosphere inside the office suddenly changed. It becomes heavy, and it came from the person beside me...

Mr. Chains cleared his throat and clasp his two palms together and look at us. I'm a bit confused why Gregory and I were both called.

"Yesterday, after Niel Cambridge's lifeless body was saw, both of you were suspicious getting the attention of some students..." Mr. Chains said in a serious tone.

I gulp a couple of times. I felt Gregory's aura become even darker.

"Blake confirmed that, and both of you were saw arguing behind the Boys Dormitory too..." Mr. Lecero added with a smirk on his face.

I gritted my teeth. This Mr. Lecero is getting to my nerves.

"So what do you need now? Just f*ckin' spill it..." Gregory said impatiently and look at Mr. Chains that's now crossing his arms on his chest.

Eluding Darkness: Luxvell High (English Ver.)✓Where stories live. Discover now