Chapter 27: Unwinding

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I drove my car and I'm on my way to our campus.

I didnt attend my class. My brother contacted the school faculty and excused me for today. I'll be attending my class again tomorrow and for now, Ill be resting. My brother told them that I'm not well...

When I texted Martin, he replied at night. He agreed to meet me in the restaurant in front of the campus.

He was discharged from the hospital yesterday. It's a relieve that hes not seriously injured but I have to apologized on what had happened...

But still, as much as possible, I won't tell anything about the people behind those awful events that happened.

I finally arrived. I carefully hopped out of my car and lifted a bit my caramel-color dress.

'I'm here'. I read his message and I immediately head towards the restaurant. I instantly saw him in our previous seat.

I feel even more guilty as I see him. Martin has a lot of bruises on his arms, and some on his face.

“Oh, youre already here!” He cheerfuly said.

He stood up and pulled a chair for me. What a gentleman.

I smiled at him as he seated back and he smiled back like nothing happened the last days.

“I'm so sorry on. You'd been dragged on the mess I made...” I started.

“Dont think about it now. What's important is we're both safe. I'm so glad that you're fine Athena!”

“Still, I am sorry. Look at your condition now? You must be well, no wounds and bruises...”

“Tss. It's not your fault ok? That someone must be so coward that he used me as a bait for you, right?”

He's shaking his head while saying those. He opened the menu and started checking on what to be ordered. A waiter immediately entertained us and took the details.

“My treat, consider this as my apology, even though it's not really enough...” I chuckled.

“Oh come on... Okay fine! My whole body is aching with these bruises. I hope that my cuteness didn't shrink even for just a bit...” He's frowning as he complained while returning the menu card on its original place in the table. I chuckled and just shook my head.

“Hey, about that someone who saved you---” I didn't finished my words when Christopher unexpectedly arrived.

“Just right on time! I thought you won't come. Let me order some food for you...” Martin exclaimed and stood up to talk to a waiter quite farther away from our table.

Christopher finally seated and smiled faintly at me as a greeting.

“I'm sorry. Your warning really happened...” Aside from Martin, I need to apologize to him as well.

“Its okay. Everything was out of hand...” He shortly replied.

Martin came back and our talk about the incident halted.

“As you mention earlier, about the guy who saved me, I have a feeling that we already met...” Martin started.

I narrowed my eyes on him as he claimed that.

“What do you mean?” I confusedly asked.

“Hmm. I don't know either. He's wearing a mask to conceal. Anyway, just a gut feeling...” Martin just shrugged it off like even him doesn't want to be bothered by his own thinking.

Christopher was just silent as he was fixated on eating his meal. Perhaps, he knew it already if Martin told him beforehand, or, he got an idea about it.

Eluding Darkness: Luxvell High (English Ver.)✓Where stories live. Discover now