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It's a fair weather now and I'm alone in front of the vast field.

It's been a three months after the tragedy in Luxvell High.

It's been awhile...

The wounds healed, but the scars remained.

Even though the time had past, the months became a tough months even after the Mafia Game.

But the highest's actions were vague. There's unclear answers.

Even the night of the bloody game was vague.

I'd been keeping the hatred. I'm aware that I'm not yet equip to assure everyone's lives in safety, like what happened that night.

I gripped the two golden badges for the two respected members of the Class A.

“Blake Frances Chua, Seive Parker...”

I'm in the Luxvell cemetery, facing hundreds of students who were buried below the green grasses of the wide field.

Beside the two was Samuel who already passed away for more than five months now.

“We already graduated now, supposed to be...” I uttered.

“Yeah, thanks for the badges First rank. Highly appreciated...”

I frowned as someone answered behind me. He chuckled and put down the flowers he's carrying.

“Hurry, Luxvell is waiting...” He told.

“Are they going?” I asked.

“Yeah. Everyone's waiting for you. By the way, stop talking to them, it creeps me out...” He replied.

I grimaced and remained silent.

“Are you expecting to get a response from them? Their ghost must be lingering around...”

“Dead people don't have any room in the physical world...”

We left the cemetery and both hop inside our cars going to Luxvell High.

Luxvell High undergone a reconstruction after the incident, but it's not yet open.

Today is suppose to be the graduation day, but the seniors decided to make this a memorial day.

I drove the car fast. Terrence followed and we went in the wide field in front of the headquarters.

“Told you, they're all here...” He handed a lighted candle.

We walked towards them who were facing the campus headquarters.

The Class F were there, the only section who survived, and the remaining Class A.

“What take you so long?” Chandria asked.

“He went in the cemetery first...” Terrence replied.

I shrugged and looked at the melting wax that drips on the paper cardboard.

“You should have told us earlier, after this memorial we'll be heading there...” Chandria frowned at me.

It's still painful to her.

Charles' body weren't recovered.

The committee of the school conducted the clearing operation but it's too late.

Someone cleared the area before the committee came. Only the students and the faculty members were seen in the whole area.

The enemies' body had been retrieved earlier than us. Seems to look like the crime was clean.

Celine and Athena's body haven't recovered as well.

I swear to find them and Athena. Dead or alive,  need to see her even for the last time.

I heard faint sobs at the right front of the group and saw Athena's friends. They're in pain. Athena might be a good friend.

I don't know any further. Just her basic whereabouts and the fact that I love her.

Exactly as the candles totally melted, the ceremony is done.

“Hey, it's been awhile...” A girl spoke beside me.

“Marga...” She smiled at me.

I narrowed my eyes on her, I noticed some changes on her.

“Did I surprise ya?” She smirked and chuckled as I didn't respond.

“She's a brave lady. No wonder that a well-known Gregory Ash Don-Luxvell was into her...”

I frowned more when she left.

“I didn't know you're coming. You should've f*ckin informed us!” Raven exclaimed.

“I don't have too...” I shortly replied.

“We're going now, wanna come again?” Chandria asked.

I simply shook my head.

“He got some urgent matter to settle after this visit...” Terrence replied precisely.

“Well then, see you soon...” Neon bid goodbye.

I walk towards the entrance and opened the door of the headquarters.

I instantly gawked at the huge cylinder glass aquarium.

I felt something sting inside me, I ended up staring deep at it.

“Can't get over her?”

I grimaced at Terrence as he asked. He's like a mushroom popping up anywhere.

“If you wanna get over easily, then you must stop seeing things which remind you of her...”

I hissed and give him a glare

“What's up with that?”

“Just a sort of advice. It's been three months that you visit every places which has traces of Athena's memory on you...”

I ignored what he said and stared at the blue water inside the aquarium.

“Am I right?” He annoyingly asked.

“Suit yourself thinking too much...”

I turned away and left the building.

“After a long time, at last you'll meet your father and grandfather again...” He said, changing the conversation.

“They shouldn't have returned...”

“I know they'll investigate what happened and later at the meeting, you'll be asked...”

I just hummed and put my hands inside my pockets.

“I won't say goodluck...” He said and walks ahead.

I halted and glanced to the spacious Luxvell High.

At the right time, vengeance will be served.

The game that they started, I'll end it for them. They thought it's done, but for me? Not yet.

The game of death is just about to begin.


Eluding Darkness: Luxvell High (English Ver.)✓Where stories live. Discover now