Chapter 32: Fieldtrip 2

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BEFORE we dozed ourselves to sleep, we have a gathering for another activity inside the gymnasium while we're having our dinner. We're surprised as they announced an on-the-spot pageant.

The emcees who announced the event was Celine and another guy from Class  A named Raven, if im not mistaken.

The pageant has a twist. Every section has two representatives, a boy and a girl. However, the twist was the girl will dress like a boy and vice versa.

Because of that, everyone rushed to decide who will represent the Class and who will be assigned for the preparations. It's a relief that the committee prepared gowns and tuxedos so no other problems at all.

“Who will join for our section?” Gian asked to the group.

I don't like to join thats why I remained quiet and roam my eyes around so they won't call me.

“Ill join as boy representative!” Chelsea volunteered.

I sighed in relief. Now im safe and sound.

“How about for the girl representative?” Gian asked and everyone turned their backs on him.

I chuckled because I can't imagine one of them to dress like a girl.

They started pinpointing until the role ended to Ervene. I don't know how they pursued him to join!

“Now, let's start the Ms. King and Mr. Queen of the Night!” The emcee announced.

Everyone can't stop from screaming and applauding. This day was supposed to be a bad day but I can't stop laughing as the candidates took the stage. It gets even funnier as they performed their production number with their own ways.

The Class A chose Chandria and Charles, the twins of the class. I didn't expected that they nailed it. Besides, they are totally looked alike that's why i can't tell the difference. Even the movements, they truely know each other.

Class B has Marga, the barbie doll as their boy representative. She's trying hard to portrait a guy yet it didn't suit her. Stating the fact.

But what burst me up in laughter was Chelsea on her tuxedo. She's really into it and proudly showing off at the stage.

“Is that really her? She look nuts...” Gian said with an expression that can't be explained while he's watching.

On the other hand, Ervene was still him. He's too emo with his black hanging gown on him. I laughed because he truly looks like a lady. I could imagine him as an antagonist on magical books and movies.

The gymnasium was filled with laughter because of the candidates. They act a lot funnier was the pageant continued. They really doing their best just to make the event unforgettable.

The pageant goes on until it reached the question and answer portion.

The question goes crazy and the contestants answered it humorously. I laughed hard because Chelsea never failed to make us laugh like this.

I just became conscious on laughing as I felt a gazed on me. I roamed my eyes around and saw Gregory gawking at me.

He still hadnt pulling off his gazes that's why I rolled my eyes ok him and transfixed my eyes on the stage. So, he's like that if Celine isn't around? He must stiff to death...

The pageant ends well. The outcomes were good. Chelsea and Charles won the pagent for the night.

We continued our meals for the dinner and fixed ourselves to sleep. The first day of fieldtrip ends well.


Morning came. We woke up early for the bath and meals. Now, another activity is presented.

I'm cheering everyone. Today is the championship round for the tag of wars. It'll be Class A vs. Class F.

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