UNA #5

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"Why am I here?" I heard the guy saying, wondering if it wasn't me who was supposed to ask this question.

He seemed to sense my bewilderment, so he just sat back, looking at me like a kid waiting for a present. Which was even more disturbing.

"You were at the bus station" , I said, more to break the silence. He did not react, but instead he spun around, like a clumsy ballerina.

Eventually he stopped, looked at me and asked, "I thought you were a guide."

"Leading you where?"

"I don't know. That's something you should know."

Now my confusion was ruled out by my growing anger. "But you brought me here, to this picture postcard of a place in the middle of nowhere."

"Yes and I am really proud of it. It is my first time, you know. But I don't know how long I can last."

"What do you mean?" I asked with growing unease.

"I could be gone any moment" he answered. "As I said, it's my first time, and I have no idea, how long I can keep it up."

"The more you say, the less I understand what you're talking about. But you must be kidding, if you think, you can leave me here alone. So, get us the hell back home. And when we are back, you will explain what is going on here."

He realized how upset I was. He looked really frightened. Then he stretched out his hand to take mine, before he closed his eyes.

The sun was already setting, diving us into a deep red that was as beautiful as the waves of the ocean that tried to reach us.

Suddenly I had this impulse to let go and before I could think twice, he was gone.

I smiled, leaned against a palm tree and enjoyed the view, laughing and crying at the same time.

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