UNA #26

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Being united with Cass and Jason stirred something up in me that I found to be my true gift.

Both of them had tried to harness their skills in our realm, flying, transforming and going through concrete.

Now it was time for me to join our efforts. It was different this time because I knew what I was capable of. At least I thought I knew.

But then when we were about to merge our ideas of creating, I immediately sensed that we really became one.

It was an experience I cannot describe. Words were not needed anymore. We were like a trinity that had individual powers but one will to execute whatever it was that we co-created.

The earth opened up in a vast crack and in the next instant there was this colossal sprout shooting into the sky like an arrow until it reached the clouds.

It was thick like the trunk of redwood with a color beyond definition. Then we grew branches that unrolled themselves on thousands of levels at the same time, turning into paths and rivers and roads that had one thing in common. They were organic and healthy in themselves.

Out of the branches we stretched twigs that were still gigantic in diameter, springing out leaves that blew up like balloons, turning into buildings and towers, spiraling their way towards every direction, displayed in the most magic veneer imaginable.

Out of the myriads of windows of these structures hopped, crawled, leaped, went and flew creatures that were as beautiful as the source they were coming from.

Every single one of them seemed to find their place effortlessly, knowing exactly where they belonged.

Although it was our creation, we were straightaway hypnotized by the sheer lushness, vibrance and love it was emanating.

We looked at each other in a pure state of contentment. And then I felt it with Jason. It was like the heaviest burden had fallen from him. He was nothing but freedom and joy.

Finally we stood there in awe of this unbelievable universe we had brought into being, blurred only by the tears all of us had in their eyes.

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