UNA #10

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He immediately looked at me, as if he had been waiting for my appearance. Then he approached me and whispered in my ear, "Let's get out of here!"

I didn't want to leave Cass, but I also knew that I didn't have the pieces of the puzzle to be able to help her. And I knew that this guy could have some answers for me. So I followed him.

He kept walking ahead of me at a fast pace. I felt like one of these little lap dogs with much too short legs, having a hard time keeping up with its owner.

After some minutes he entered a coffee shop. He turned around and said to me, "Sorry, but I had to focus on not slipping back. It's still kind of hard for me to keep this up."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, annoyed by all that crap that made no sense.

"So, you are no guide then?"

"I think I am, but it seems I have forgotten everything. Can you help me to understand?"

"Understand what?"

"Who you are, what you want from me, or what you are doing here, or what this all here is to you."

"Okay", he said. Then he paused and I could see that he was trying to sort his thoughts.

"My name is Jason. And at the moment I am lying in my bed in New York, dreaming of you. A few weeks ago I came across this book about lucid dreaming. This means, you realize that you dream, while having the dream. Most of the guys training this skill start off by having a lot of sex with all the women that are out of their league, but I had the feeling that I'd skip this part. So, whenever I got lucid, and awoke in my dreams, I saw you. This is why I thought you are a guide that has an important message for me."

"Dream" was the word that stuck with me.

"Wait", I interrupted him. "What is a dream?"

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