UNA #18

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Jason had a look on his face that at first I was not able to understand. Then I felt this sensation that you know as guilt.

The instant I sensed it, I also knew that this emotion was not only a huge thing for Jason, but all human beings.

I even had this place in me, somewhere, that also kept it. Almost like a treasure that nobody wants to find.

Then, without warning something grabbed me cold-bloodedly. It started as this tense feeling that grew into a damp and moldy hole with black eyes that swallowed me.

I was trapped in pitch-black darkness that was so dense that I almost couldn't breathe. I lost all orientation. Then I got hold of something that was oozy and strangely moving up my arm, like it was growing on me.

When I tried to scream, I noticed that I had lost my voice, while I felt a sharp pain, caused by something that broke my skin like needles. But I had a hunch that it actually were teeth starting to gnaw at me.

I heard that somewhere outside Jason tried to call me, but I had no chance to respond. Besides, the pain was already so huge that I couldn't articulate anything comprehensible anyways.

Suddenly I felt this force at the top of my skull, as if something was trying to crack it open like an egg.

I had never felt anguish like that. And as if that hadn't been enough, I felt a presence of something or someone indescribable. I still remember this stench of a foul breath that smelled like the rotting carcass of a stray dog.

This was just before I collapsed, almost like a relief, when this creature tried to cut open my chest.

I fell and fell and it didn't stop. There was a mixture of deep grief and guilt that pushed me further into a void of nothingness.

I guess I cried and never felt that helpless before, and if I had had ground under my feet, I would have broken down.

I totally lost myself in finding someone again that I had never been. The only wish that came to my mind in all that agony, was to simply die.

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