Episode 68

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Short update

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Short update

Days passed by smoothly. Lisa was seldom ever seen on the campus, and as for Jungkook, he just did his usual routine of focusing on his studies.

Just a little more walk and they'll finally be graduating.

It was a bright afternoon when a commotion suddenly occured on Lisa's company. With Lisa's employee running as she could to inform her boss, to Lisa storming out of the office in rage.

Who dares to cause commotion on her lair!

When she arrived at the said commotion, she immediately looked at the culprit and it almost took her breath away.

When she arrived at the said commotion, she immediately looked at the culprit and it almost took her breath away

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She almost forgot that she's a well behaved woman.

"Sorry for causing trouble here. I didn't mean to."

After these words, a man in his disheveled suit with blood under his nose suddenly appeared behind Jungkook. He is struggling to stand up on his own feet.

Jungkook looked at the man before scoffing at him,"You totally deserve it".

He then walked towards the speechless girl before saying,"May I have a word with you madame?"

Inside Lisa's office...

"What is it that you wanted to say?"

Jungkook looked at her with a solemn look. "The man earlier, with the bloodied nose, I heard him speaking of you with the use of such dirty words. I think you need to be careful around your employees, and also, I think you need to dress more.."

Lisa cut his words by saying,"No, don't say that I should change my style of clothing. My clothing has nothing to do with his perverse behavior. Mr. Jeon, are you aware that, according to statistics, about 40% of the men in our nation have raped children in recent years?"

She continued,"Even though I was even to wear a sack from head to toe, if a man's personality is filled with perverse thoughts, that man would still develop sexual thoughts on me. Just to clarify things up, not only to you Mr. Jeon but including to everyone in this room, I must say, a woman's clothing doesn't affect a man's keen desire to act sexually. All of the bad behaviors of guys are not caused by your attire, but rather by the sexual content found online. Keep that in mind."

Everyone in the room including Lisa's right hand man, Bang Chan became astonished by Lisa's words.

That's my Boss Lisa!!! Salute to you my Boss!

The girls nodded in understanding while Jungkook looked at her with astonishment. How could this girl be so timid yet spit such powerful words?

After a long while, Lisa decided to break the silence. "Now is that your only purpose here Mr. Jeon?"

"No, I have a bigger thing to say that's why I visited the company".

"Tell me, what is it?"

"I have a proposal"

Lisa looked at him with the look that says "Please continue"

"I wanted to held a charity ball that features a clothing line designed specifically by your company. All the funds would be distributed from the Jeon Company's stockholders"

Lisa pondered deeply before asking,"Why all of a sudden? What is your purpose?"

"Actually..it is a request from my fiance for her 19th birthday" Jungkook said as he looked at the floor as if its suddenly the most interesting discovery on Earth.

"Oh" this is the only thing that Lisa could say. What could she have expected. Of course, he would definitely do anything for her.

"She specifically stated my company for making the designs for the ball?"

Jungkook nodded in response.

"Sure, as long as the funds are properly handled and that we will not gain a huge loss in this one, why not. And what charity are you aiming for?"

He finally looked at her before saying,"Charity for the homeless kids. She said that she pity those kids, especially those who grew up without the love of their father"

Lisa's eyes became cold as her voice turned a degree lower,"Sure. Let's settle this agreement with a contract. My assistant will send them to you later when it's finish. You may leave now."

Jungkook felt uneasy. He doesn't know why but suddenly it strucked him. Lisa grew up without a father! That was a total insult! How could he say such things? If only he didn't relay Jangmi's words.


"Please. Leave. Immediately. I have an important meeting to take care of" After saying that, Lisa opened her laptop as she busied herself in it. Bang Chan approached the speechless man before saying,"I don't want to drag you out of this room mister, so please just leave the room peacefully"

He doesn't have any choice but to leave the room quietly.

Outside the building, Jungkook sat at his car as his mind drifted back to a dream he had last weekend.

He often found himself captivated by his dreams. Lately, a particular dream had been haunting his nights—a dream that featured a mysterious girl who seemed to be his girlfriend. The enigmatic allure of this dream girl kept Jungkook enthralled, yet a peculiar aspect left him perpetually intrigued. No matter how vivid the dream, the girl's face remained veiled, her features obscured from his sight. 

The mere notion of her presence left Jungkook yearning for more, fueling his imagination as he unraveled the enigma of this faceless enchantress. Her essence lingered within his thoughts, whispering promises of love and companionship. As Jungkook continued to dream, he embarked on a quest to unravel the secrets hidden beneath the shroud of her visage, hoping one day to meet the girl who had woven herself so deeply into the fabric of his subconscious. 

"I'll find you. Just wait for me"

And with that being said, the engine of his car started before it drifted away on the empty highway.

Someday, he would find this mysterious girl and he will make sure that he would put an end to this arranged marriage once he found who his true lover is. He's a smart man. He's not a fool. And right from the beginning, he was not deceived by his family members and the news around him that Jangmi was his lover. He knew, deep within him, that she's somewhat near yet her heart is so far.

He must act like a fool. For now. Following what they want him to do, but at the big day, he'll reveal her.

His one, and only love.




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Let's get this boat sailing imo~~~~~~~~~

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