Episode 79

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"Watching you with her pt 2"

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"Watching you with her pt 2"

That evening, after the picture taking, everyone gathered inside the luxurious banquet hall, adorned with twinkling lights and elegant decorations. The celebration was in honor of Jangmi's 18th birthday, a milestone they had been eagerly awaiting. The atmosphere was lively, with friends and family mingling, sharing stories, and enjoying a lavish feast.

Lisa, adorned in a breathtaking gold gown that flowed like liquid silk, moved gracefully through the crowd. Everyone was having the time of their lives.

However, Lisa was far from happy. She couldn't shake the memory of the way Jungkook had looked at her during their photo session. It had felt like a spark of recognition, like he might have remembered her. But deep down, Lisa knew the truth - Jungkook's amnesia might never allow him to remember their shared past.

Sungmin, always perceptive, noticed Lisa's melancholic expression and decided to approach her. He knew that Lisa had feelings for Jungkook that ran deeper than friendship. Trying to cheer her up, he engaged her in light-hearted conversation, reminding her of the fun they had earlier in the day.

"I actually forgot to tell you, Hyejin called me the day before, begging me to pick a suit that is in the shades of brown and gold. Now I know why" he laughed.

Lisa also chuckled at this before saying,"Well I guess she badly wanted me to go couple fits with you"

The two laughed together as both of them remembers the stubborn and sly face of Hyejin.

Just as Lisa began to feel a bit better, Sungmin's phone rang, and he excused himself to answer the call. Lisa watched him walk away, feeling a pang of loneliness as she saw him depart.

As the night progressed, Jangmi rose from her seat and addressed the gathered guests. "Ladies and gentlemen," she announced with a bright smile, "it's time for the dance!"

The crowd applauded, and everyone eagerly rose to their feet, ready to take to the dance floor with their partners. Couples twirled and swayed to the music, their faces illuminated with joy.

Lisa's eyes, however, remained fixed on Jungkook and Jangmi, who danced together gracefully. A single tear escaped her eye as she remembered the beautiful memories she had shared with Jungkook before his amnesia had wiped them away. She felt utterly hopeless, believing that it was time to let go completely.

"Pffft..hahahaha you look like a red quokka right now"

"Sorry I don't know that"


"Why are you looking at me like that? It's not like everyone in the world know that quakquak you know" Lisa defended.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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