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"I can't believe" Meredith says next to me as we are in the OR "you got engaged while your hand is on a bomb"

"Yeah" smiling behind my mask

"Only you would get engaged" Meredith shakes her head "Also what about the dead bodies?"

"What dead bodies?" Burke asks

"Nothing" we say

"Okay Luna" The bomb guy has his hands out, from behind I notice my Aunt Azriel here "just hand me the bomb"

"Do you have any guilt?" I ask, he looks at me confused.

"I'm sorry?" He asks me

"In your life, do you have any guilt" I ask "about anything?"


"Your lying"

"Why does it matter?" He asks me, I stare at him "Fine...I have a son, when I was in high school but my girlfriend gave him up for adoption"

"You paid her to get an abortion didn't you?" I ask

"I don't see" he says "why this matters"

"Just know" I say "that you were young and didn't know how to handle the situation then, it would have been one thing if she met the kid but she gave him up. Is that your only guilt?"

"Hand me the bomb" he orders

Shaking my head, I pull out the bomb and hand it to him keeping it level. Once he takes it, he warily goes out of the room "He's going to die" I tell Burke and Meredith.

I see Meredith go after the man and just as an explosion is heard, I watch as Meredith flies back "Meredith!" Running out to Meredith who is unconscious "Oh my" shaking her, I check her pulse and she's alive. Thank god.

Hearing a flapping, I look over to see my Uncle Amenadiel here "I'll bring her home, I'll stay with her until she knows what is going on. Your Aunt Astriel is wiping the memory of the drugs and dead bodies from everyone but your fiancé and sister" picking her up "congratulations"

"Uncle A" I call out, he looks at me "make sure you let the family know their invited, you and even grandpa—not Michael though" Uncle Michael is a sick, he has always been one to me for no good reason.

He smiles "We wouldn't miss it, though your dad might have a few choice words about one of the guests" as he flies away with Meredith, I see Cristina run out of the OR and to me.

"What happened?" She demands

"Bomb guy blew up" she helps me up "Meredith got hit"

"No" she cries

"No! No! Cristina someone I know is taking her home" Cristina breathes out relieved "he's a doctor so she'll be in safe hands"

"Dr. Morningstar!" Burke calls out "I need an extra set of hands, scrub in"

After scrubbing in and assisting Burke where he teaches me while cutting, I answer as many questions related to the heart as I can. After finishing we scrub out and leave where we see both Shepherds brothers. I run to John who looks over at me and catches me when I jump into his arms kissing him.

Pulling away, tears run down both of our faces before I hit John "Ow! What was that for?"

"Don't go near a bomb" I say as we get onto the elevator "now the ring?" He pulls out the ring smiling slipping it onto my finger "perfect fit"

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