Twenty Seven

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~John's POV~

"Baby?" I ask Luna as she has been kind of distant with me "everything okay?" It has been months since the merger and Luna gained some new friends. We or she dealt with Jorge Castillo, he tried to send his thugs to kill me and Luna but Luna reacted by flying down and electrocuting them with her power and added a message saying that you hit me hard and I hit ten times harder. She also talked with her dad and he decided to call some favors in so now Jorge Castillo has his accounts frozen and they are taking away his businesses.

"Yeah" she smiles kissing me, quickly pulling away "can you take the girls to daycare? I've got some stuff to do" she leaves before I say anything. She's hiding something. But what?

"I know girls" seeing my daughters stare up at me, Naya has her hand in her mouth while Amara has strained peas in her hand and face "mommy is acting weird"

"Hey man" I see Elliot come in "mind if I watch over the girls for the day?"

"Sure" nodding my head "got nothing to do today?"

"I noticed that the girls need to get some new clothes" he says "and Mia is in town, she's helping a friend with a new fashion like for babies and she remembered the twins be Luna don't have to go shopping for clothes if your too busy"

He is right about that "I'll let Luna know...are you okay with Meredith's schedule?"

Nodding his head "Yeah, she gave me her schedule so that we can schedule time around it when she's off and when I'm off. The yearly fundraiser my parents throw for orphans, she can make it" Luna and I will also go since she's a Morningstar and she's going for her dad "how is the building of the dream home coming?"

"Great" I say "we decided on living on the water front, from what I'm told the house should be ready by the end of the year"

"Does Luna seem more sketchy?" He asks me

"I thought I was going crazy" looking at him "so it isn't just me" my pager goes off.

"You go" Elliot waves his hand to me "I'll watch over the twins and take them shopping" nodding my head "also Luna has been more sick" she has? Thinking about it, Luna has been exhibiting signs of morning sickness and other things that lead to pregnancy. Her breasts have become more tender and a tad bit swollen. Oh my god. Is Luna pregnant?

~Luna's POV~

"Congratulations Dr. Morningstar-Shepherd" the OB, Dr...whatever her name is. She's blonde with blue eyes and normal skin "your pregnant, here is"

I look and smile zoning her out as I see my baby "I'm about ten weeks pregnant and for my height and weight I'm perfectly healthy and fine in my pregnancy"

"Yes" nodding her head

"I'm also going into fetal medicine" I tell her, she nods her head. Pulling the ultrasound wand from me, the one where they do it transvaginal "could I have a photo?" She nods her head printing me a photo.

"So" she says "I'll see you at your next check up?"

"Yeah" nodding my head too focused on the fact that I'm actually pregnant.

Meredith cuts me off saying "The Chief drinks"

"Okay..." not getting it "mom drank all the time"

"Yeah but mom" she says "paced herself, the Chief...he's not"

Stopping, I look at her "Mere this is serious"

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