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~Luna's POV~

"Meow" Ned says as John is driving us to work, it has been a few more weeks and Amelia's water broke this morning. Addison is visiting so she's in the car with us sitting in the back with the kids.

"That's right Ned" I confirm "the kitty goes meow"

"Rawr" He rawrs next

"Lion!" Amara points, we look over and see a large lion standing before us.

"Is that..." Addison asks

"...A lion" John finishes, I take off my seatbelt "where are you going?"

"Don't worry" I kiss his cheek, I quickly get out and despite the protests I go to the lion. I hear people screaming as my hand is out, I sing a soft tune and the lion puts her forehead in my hand and I smile stroking his mane "hello, I'm Luna. Aren't you a beautiful beast?" He rubs his head against me "Now where did you come from?" Pulling out my phone I call my friend Randy who works in the local zoo.

"Hi Luna!" He exclaims excited hearing me "been a long time!"

"Yeah" I agree "by any chance did you lose any lions?"

"What?" He asks "no, why?"

"Can you check if any of the other zoos around here has?" I ask as the lion lies down, I kneel down next to him "cause I'm kind of next to a lion right now that is on" looking around the streets "fifth and sixth near the park"

He laughs "oh Luna"

"Randy I'm not joking" The lion next to me rawrs "there there, I know the man I'm talking to is an idiot"

"That-Luna stay where you are!" He yells hanging up, shrugging my shoulders I just let the lion's head as he is calm. I notice that people got out of their cars and are near us taking photos.

"Oh my god Luna" looking up at my family as they stare at me wide eyed. I see the car has the windows down a bit for air for the kids.

"Want to pet the lion girls?" I ask, they nod their heads "come by my head but no running. Nice easy steps" they carefully walk to us, the lion looks at them as they do "don't worry Mr. Lion, my girls are nice okay?" He closes his eyes after the girls go to pet him "okay girls, nice easy strokes. Like a kitty"

"I can't believe she's petting a lion" Addison exclaims

"Are you taking pictures?" John asks

"No one" Addison says "will believe me"

Looking up at them "do either of you want to pet the lion? He won't bite...right now"

"No thanks" Addison shakes her head while John comes over, next to me he pets the lion's mane "oh my"

"Addison could you take a photo of us" I toss her my phone, she barely catches it before taking photos of us with the lion.

"Miss?" I see animal control here with Randy "we're from animal control, is this your lion?"

Shaking my head no "He was just walking through the street, minding his own business" standing up as Addison and John pull the kids away. I go to leave when we hear snarls and a loud roar, everyone panics running away as I look over "Hey! Hey!"

The lion looks my way "Miss" the one man says "we need to bring him to the zoo"

"But you don't need violence" shaking my head "Hey, it's okay" I rub his head "these nice people will take you somewhere where you'll meet more friends. Doesn't that sound great? More lions to be near? You'll be fed great food that isn't humans-you'll get to roam around more. Doesn't that sound great?" The lion nods his head "where's your transporter?"

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