Twenty Four

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"Someone paged OB?" John asks as he comes down to the ER, we have three new patients. Two teenagers who won't stop screaming at one another and a pregnant college student.

"Hey babe" smiling up at him

"That" my pregnant patient asks. She has brown skin, very curly hair and brown eyes "is your husband? Hot"

Smiling at her "Thank you, babe this is Aniyah Akintola-did I pronounce it right?" She nods her head "twenty, she's a little over seven months pregnant with twins. She was also in the other car when the screaming sisters drove"

"Hello Miss Akintola" John smiles to her grabbing the gel "if you don't mind I'm going to give you an ultrasound to make sure the babies are healthy" the screaming intensifies.

"So Aniyah?" I ask "Do you want me to call the father? Your parents?"

Shaking her head no "It's just me" she says "the father tried to pay for an abortion and my parents disowned me a long time ago-I don't have anyone...well there is my older half sister Laurel, she's studying to become a lawyer. She's my emergency contact"

"One part's not true" she looks at me "you have your babies, unconditional love right there. Do you want us to call Laurel? What baby names were you thinking of?"

"Laurel is on her way. For boys" she says "Jordan and Cristopher, for girls I was thinking of Naya and Amara"

"Beautiful names" John tells her

"Im sorry but I'm shutting that yelling up" getting up I move the curtain so that Aniyah doesn't see what is about to happen but focus on herself and the baby. Going between both sisters I yell "Enough!" They flinch looking at me as Callie works on one of them as the new trauma surgeon Own Hunt works on the other one "this is a hospital and I'm certain people recovering in their rooms can hear you two screaming at one another. You" looking at the one driving "you shouldn't have been texting and driving especially if your underage" looking at the other one who is smirking "don't go smirking other one, if you knew your sister was underage you were just as stupid to get into a car with her. Now one of you give us both your names and your parents numbers right this instant so we can call them because they are most likely sick with worry and wondering if you both are dead and have to get two caskets for you both" they stare at me as I have my arms crossed "names and numbers!" They flinch when I snap "now!"

"My name is Holly Anderson" she says

I grab my pen and check her eyes "Alex take her up to get a head CT, now!" He mutters curses seeing what could be a potential head problem that Sadie Harris should have caught. Pulling away I look at the other one "what's your name and parents number?"

"My name is Emma" handing me her phone to call her parents "my dad is on speed dial"

I wait as that new trauma surgeon is next to me praising "Nicely done"

"Thank you" mouthing as the father starts yelling "Emma Anderson! Where are you and your sister?"

"Hello Mr. Anderson" I answer "my name is Dr. Morningstar-Shepherd, your daughters Holly and Emma were admitted into Seattle Grace about twenty minutes ago"

"Oh god" he gasps "are my girls okay?"

"Tom? What's going on?" A woman asks worried

"The girls are in the hospital" another gasp

"Your daughter Holly is currently getting a head CT" I say "and your daughter Emma is right next to me, do you wish to speak to her right?"

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