Twenty Eight

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~Months Later~

"What baby names have you and Dr. Shepherd thought of?" April asks me as she sits next to me. It has been months since finding out and I'm about eight months pregnant.

"We decided to name him either Edmund, Ned for short" I don't know why but I like the name Edmund better then Edward "or Rowan"

"They're both beautiful names" she says, we see Meredith come in. She's been more cheerie lately, she and Elliot decided to try for a baby during their honeymoon this summer in Spain. Though I have a feeling that Meredith is already pregnant since she's been more sick during a specific time, she's been craving and I hear the extra heart.

"Fuck" I start to cry

"What's wrong?" Jackson asks me

"I need to pee again" I've become more emotional near the end of this "can someone help me up?" Jackson comes over to help me up "thanks" going over to the bathroom, I pass by this guy who gives an off feeling. He has greying hair with a mustache, brown eyes, normal skin and...I don't know. There is something off about him.

Once I'm in the bathroom it takes me about ten minutes to do my business before leaving, I go down to the chief's office since John is there with Derek and we have an appointment today. John has been more protective of me near the end of this pregnancy, well the whole pregnancy but as I'm going near the end he's making sure he's by my side.

Just as I am at his door I see Reed looking confused "Reed?" She looks my way

"Finally!" She exclaims "someone who can see me! Wait? How can you see me?"

"What do you mean?" I ask

"She's dead" Aunt Azriel comes over "congratulations on the baby Luna"

"You can see me?" Reed asks "how?"

"Reed?" I ask "how did you die?"

"There's a shooter!" She exclaims, my eyes widen and I go to Derek and John who look my way.

"Hey" John smiles "are you"

"There's a shooter in the hospital" I quickly say as April comes in covered in blood freaking out "April? Why" she goes on a rant about pigs bleeding or something before I snap her out of it "April!"

"Reeds dead" she cries "someone shot her"

"Let's get you into some clean scrubs" John says "Derek lock down the place, Luna stay here" April is handed some scrubs and she goes to clean up as I sit down, Derek calls the police before calling the Head of Security here.

The baby kicks hard as I'm sitting down, oh please let this Braxton hicks. Grandpa please oh please let this be Braxton hicks. April and John soon come back, April is by my side as Derek tells us "The hospital is on lockdown, no one goes in or out"

"Can we move this to the bathroom?" I ask, they look at me "kind of got someone tap dancing on my bladder here"

"No" Derek hands me a vase "pee in this-I'll be back"

"I thought" April cries "you said moving?"

"This is my hospital" he says "I'm the chief" leaving the room, John stays with us going to my side placing his hand on my belly.

I hear another shot "Everyone knows" John and April look my way "there is panic"

"Oh god" April gasps covering her mouth crying.

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