Forty Two

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"You can fly right?" Cristina asks me as we walk through the airport to the terminal, she's just come back from a job interview in Dallas. It has been about a month since the twins were born and things have been hectic, now that residency is almost over we need to find jobs. Either stay at Seattle Grace or leave starting over in a whole new hospital and establish dominance of just take a year off. I'm thinking about taking a year off to spend time with my family since it's been such a crazy five years that I need a pause and live with my family, raising my kids, making love to my husband every night when we can, my husband trying to convince me to have another baby so soon, just relax and recharge.


"Then why are you spending money with all their airplane crap?" She asks

"I'm not paying" shaking my head "the people asking for me are" she raises an eyebrow "ever since my interview with Scarlett Magazine, every top notch hospital in the country and private practice in each state wants me including hospitals in different countries" yup, ever since the one interview more people have interviewed me for magazines and everything. I'm one of the most influential women of our time.

"You bitch" shaking her head "my job interviews they send me fruit baskets and other stuff, I have to use my own money to fly out to them"

"Cristina! Luna!" Looking over we see Meredith run over.

"Hey" we both say "how" I ask "was your interview in California? Was it California?"

"It was" she confirms "and it was eh, how were your interviews in Dallas and Chicago?"

"Mine was bad" Cristina says "I can operate circles around ten head of the program, while your bitch of a sister is getting her places to buy her plane tickets"

"Bitch" Meredith shakes her head "how was seeing Maggie?"

"Maggie is doing amazing" I tell her "she's now Head of Cardio-when are you going to Boston?"

"Tonight" she says "well, I'm supposed to-but how can I?" Shaking her head "I'm going to cancel"

"No" Cristina and I object

"Mommy!" Looking over I see my babies and I run to them, when I knee down I hold my arms out and hug my girls as they hold onto me tight.

"Mommy! Mommy!" I see Ned run into my chest wrapping his tiny arms around my neck.

"This" I say out loud "this is what I look forward to every time I come home or pick you up from daycare or drop you off or visit you"

"Ahem" I look up to see John raise his eyebrow to me "I'm waiting for my welcome home hug"

"After I see all our little loves" going over to the stroller I see my boys are sleeping, all three of them. "Hmm" looking at John "guess they aren't that excited"

"Our boys are more excited for their nappies" John pulls me into a long kiss, pulling away for breath "I love you"

"I love you too" kissing him once more briefly "now Elliot" I saw Elliot next to John when I ran over "tell my sister she can't cancel a job interview with the best general surgery program in the country"

"You can't" shaking his head "if this is about the restaurant or anything we can always build more restaurants, we can find a house out there right girls" he holds up Ellis who is looking around while Elliot says in a high pitched voice "that's right mommy and I want you to go to Boston!"

"Good family" Cristina praises us "now let's go,
I'll ride in the back with my girls"


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