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"Don't worry Mere" I'm next to my sister holding her hand as she goes through labor "think about being in an OR with the scalpel in your hand and cutting someone open"

"She's right" Elliot agrees with me "think about doing a...think about how your removing a tumor that has surrounded a girl's heart. Remember that time? How you assisted a few years ago in removing a girl's tumor" Meredith is in labor, just as the hospital goes into overdrive since a college nearby had a shooting today. Mass casualties, more people hurt than what happened here.

John is Meredith's OB since none of the people that have come in are pregnant or need his services. Maggie and Amelia are also here helping where they can, they came to visit before to see us. I should be helping but Meredith was clear that I was to remain here with her with Elliot since Cristina currently has her hand in a patient. Elliot's family is even here since his mother is helping since there were children that got hurt, Mia and Christian's new wife Ana were tortured by some crazy guy who is under high security.

"How are things in here?" We see Christian and his wife Ana come in, apparently she had this stalker who wanted her dead when she turned him down and had him fired for sexual assault. She was the fourth assistant he had that he assaulted.

"I" Meredith breathes out "would feel much better if I was out there helping-how you did this Luna with no pain killers is a mystery"

"Congratulations again on the new baby" Ana offers me, I look down rubbing my belly. I'm almost six months pregnant, things have been easy going lately with surgery. Nothing really special.

"Congratulations on yours" I say "hi Christian"

"Luna" he greets "congratulations on the baby"

"Fuck" Meredith groans "Luna! Check"

"Okay" I grab some gloves before going to Meredith to check how many centimeters she's dilated "your about eight centimeters, your doing great Mere"

"Do you know what gender your baby is?" Elliot asks me

"Another boy" I answer "we've decided to name him Rowan. Rowan Samuel Morningstar-Shepherd"

"Good for you" Meredith complains "don't forget! I'm here in agony!"

"Have you thought of names for your daughter?" Yes, they are having a little girl.

"Ellis" Elliot tells us "Ellis Ava Grey" after mom.

Ana starts to giggle and we look at her "I'm sorry but I realized that before marrying Elliot, your name was already Grey. So if you hyphenated it would be Grey-Grey" I laugh at that as Elliot chuckles while Christian has a smile on his face.

"I'd laugh" Meredith tells her "if I wasn't in pain"

~Time Skip~

"She's beautiful" I tell them "I wish I could stay but I've got to find my new intern"

"You mean victim?" Elliot asks taking Ellis from me "Meredith told me about what you did to your first three interns" oh yes, the three are great residents now but only because they had me for a teacher. I was like Bailey but much harder on my interns. That sounds wrong-then again I have a dirty mind.

Shrugging my shoulders "Off to torture my victims" going down to the lobby, I see the others joining them "where are our victims?"

"Victims?" April asks

"Your going to see the Mistress of Evil in action" Alex tells April and Jackson.

We see Webber come with a bunch of interns "Oh, First year med students. Too dumb to find the toilet" looking at me "your going to eat them alive"

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