Forty Five

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~John's POV~

I'm with the other attendings as we go over what is happening with the new group of fellows, who we are losing and who Owen needs to hire for which specialty. I lean back in my chair as on the white boards Owen writes down Avery. "Avery?" Looking at Mark "where are we with Avery?" It has been two weeks since Luna passed her boards and we have been going over what place she will go to and Luna doesn't know. I think she's broken, I mean she broke. It was a matter of time before her brain just shut off and was like nope, I need a recharge.

"Holding offers" Mark tells them "from U.S.C, Penn, Tulane, and Emory. Tulane and Emory are in love, they want him bad" Owen puts a question mark by Avery.

"Grey?" Everyone looks at me

"Still between Boston and Seattle" I say "and before you ask. Luna has offers from the Pacific Fertility Clinic, NYU, a few in LA, she's also got an offer in Switzerland, France and Italy"

"International?" Bailey asks "I always knew that girl would go on to the best"

"I'm not going to lose both of my most talented maternal fetal surgeons" he says "one who happens to now have gone into being a fertility specialist" he's talking about me "I'd love a decision sooner than later"

"You and me both, Hunt" looking at him "you and me both" Luna doesn't know what she wants to do.

"Yang?" Owen asks

"She didn't tell you?" Mark asks, those two are basically getting a divorce. She isn't telling him anything.

"Uh, Stanford" Teddy tells us "and Columbia are playing hardball, but I'm confident we're still in the mix"

After two more hours, Owen tells us "If we are out this many surgeons then I'm gonna need to hire now. So let's get answers from our people as soon as possible" as everyone including myself goes to leave he adds "and let's not forget that we've agreed to assist Boise memorial with their conjoined twin surgery" right, something I am going to since the mother hasn't gone into labor yet and her pregnancy is high risk since she's about forty five years old. So I'm heading down there "so make sure your teams are ready to leave from the lobby" Luna is staying behind to take care of the kids "no later than ten tomorrow night"

"So" Amelia asks me "you might go to New York?" A month after her son died, she went to Owen and he gave her a job here since Amelia is like Derek in neuroscience. She's amazing at it.

"I don't know" shrugging my shoulders as I'm between my brother and sister "I ask Luna and her words are this: I'm mad at Disney"

"What?" Derek asks "why is she mad at Disney?"

"Why is my wife a very fertile woman?" I ask "I don't know"

"How many kids are you two going to have?" Amelia asks "cause the way you two go at it every night" oh yes, Amelia watched over the kids as Luna and I stay in the sex room she had built. I swear she's like a college frat guy when he's horny which is nearly all the time, I need to start using the toys that we bought to give me some time to rest. After four rounds I am tired and I need some time before I can get it going.

"I want to keep her pregnant and Luna is like-she has so much stamina that it isn't even funny" Shrugging my shoulders "but Luna is like, we will have one girl and after that no more"

My siblings chuckle "Well, you have six kids" Amy says "in four years you have six kids. I'm surprised you both haven't lost it"

"Have you talked to mom?" I ask

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