Forty One

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"Hello" I shake hands with Jacquelyn Carlyle from Scarlett Magazine "I'm glad you could meet with me-though would now be a good time since your having your babies?"

"I'm in labor" I'm on the birthing ball in a hospital gown, about seven centimeters dilated. With each pregnancy, they go by much faster for some depending and for others not. For me it's been five hours and I am pretty sure my kids aren't waiting to be born "not dying, I have all the time in the world at the moment" pointing to the couch "sit"

Nodding her head "Do you mind if I record this?"

"Not at all" shaking my head no, John is out getting the practice cards I had written for the oral boards while Amelia is with the kids in daycare "first question and I'd rather you not waste my time with flattery and just get to the point" Jacqueline pulls out a recorder and starts to record.

"How do you do it?" She asks "You own two successful businesses, you are on a clinical trial, your a surgeon who is also the head resident and a full time mom. Doesn't seem easy yet you make it seem so"

"I'm not going to lie" shaking my head no "it's really ducking hard at times, how I do it is by knowing to manage my time, know what to prioritize at the moment, be very organized and know when to ask for help. Being a parent is a huge part of my life, but it takes a village. So when I'm working as a resident, in daycare that is where my kids are but on breaks I go down there to be with them. I drop everything I have because I try to spend as much time with my children as possible. As for Elysium, I opened that club when I was in college because I didn't want to rely on my parents money and I wanted to see what it was like to own a night club since my dad always says it's an amazing job. Then for my restaurant I don't do it by myself, I also have Elliot Grey. We are business partners, we share the same amount of work. The clinical trial and being a surgeon? I try to make enough time to do both. It's all about knowing to manage your time, knowing when to ask for help and having a good support system which for me is my husband. He supports me every step of the way"

"Sounds like an amazing guy" she says "back to the lion from weeks before, how were you able to tame such a beast?"

"Lions are no beasts" I correct her "lions are beautiful feline creatures who just need to know that you won't harm them. See growing up-one moment" I do the breathing techniques to get through this contraction. Once it's over I continue "growing up my family is big on animals, my dad bought this zoo where we could have our own animal sanctuary to help endangered species such as lions be taken care of and help them repopulate"

"So even from a young age you were helping our world" she nods her head writing something down "do you think that the influence your mother had on you led you to becoming a surgeon?"

"Yes" nodding my head "I saw how my mom saved lives, helped people and that is what I wanted to do. Help people"

"Will you be going into general surgery like her?"

Shaking my head no "My older sister Meredith, I will be going into maternal-fetal medicine. Helping not just one life but two"

"What does your husband think about the work you do?" She asks "you said he's supportive"

"He is" confirming to her as I go through another contraction "he worries about my health yes since he doesn't know how I do it, but he knows that if I need help I will ask for it. Make sure in the article that you don't say I do it all on my own, cause I don't. The clinical trial yes it was created by my mother but I'm only helping the lead of the case which is Miranda Bailey. The fundraiser I created was to help my friend Dr Alex Karev since he came up with the idea to bring children from Africa over-he needed the money and I wanted to help. Saw this as an opportunity to help them. The restaurant yes I decided to build but I knew I would need help, so I asked for my brother in law's help since he knows more about the restaurant business than me. Being a parent I don't do it all on my own, there is no such thing as the automatic guide no matter how many books you read that you will have parenting down. Being a parent is one of the most difficult jobs to ever have-that's why I'm thankful John is with me not just physically but also emotion. I have my wonderful husband who I love so much be there with me"

Hearing a rush of footsteps, we see John come in with the flash cards "I got the flash cards" he says "oh, hello"

"Jacqueline, John" introducing them "he is also a surgeon. John this is Jacqueline Carlyle the head of Scarlett Magazine" they shake hands as more sweat coats my body.

"Your doing an interview?" John asks me "now?"

"Best time to do one" I tell him "anything else?"

She nods her head "I know I didn't have a lot of questions to ask today, but I do you just answered most of them. I have a couple more but my first question is this: if you weren't a surgeon who would you be?"

I stare at her "I don't know, never imagined myself as anything but a surgeon! Check!" I order my husband as he helps me up.

He checks before saying "This interview is over, Luna get onto the bed while I get the OB" he helps me to bed as Jacqueline says something before leaving.

"Oh god!" I cry out on my back as I feel my body ready to push, you know what I'm pushing. Getting up I go to the side of the bed and widen my legs before squatting. Using the bed to hold me.

I grit my teeth grabbing the bedsheets and push, roaring in agony I see John and the OB come in shocked "Hey" offering a smile.

"What are you doing?" He asks coming to my side.

"Having a baby" shaking my head like it's obvious "now catch our little boy" he kneels down and holds her hands under me as I push again soon hearing the sweet cries of my baby boy. Though I'm pretty sure I crapped myself, actually all women crap themselves during this. It's both a disgusting and beautiful process.

"A boy" John holds out baby up as the OB clamps the cord, our son lets out his tiny wails in John's arms.

"Hi" I smile to him "I'm your mommy, now give me about ten minutes since your brother is pushing his way out" looking away I grit my teeth holding the bedsheets and push. Groaning as I push out my son, I push and I push.

Taking a breather since I need one, I roar out a cry as I push my son through my vagina. Oh god this hurts so much. Why do I keep putting myself through this much agony? Why? Why? Why?

I feel this pressure lighten once I hear another set of tiny wails, looking over I see my second son in his father's arms. John smiles down at both of his boys "Hi" John says softly once our sons are done screaming their lungs out "I'm your daddy, you boys are perfect. Absolutely perfect"

"What should we name them?" I ask "cause I have a name in mind"

"Me too" looking at me "I was thinking for boy number one...John, after me" I let out a small huff of a laugh "John Junior Morningstar-Shepherd, JJ Morningstar-Shepherd for short"

"JJ" smiling at the name "I like it and for our second one, I thought of the name Lucien Carrick Morningstar-Shepherd"

"Perfect" John and I smile down at our boys "welcome to the world JJ and Lucien"

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