Forty Six

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It has been hours and John should have called in by now, I'm going over to Elliot so that the kids can play. Ana and Christian will be there too, Ana last I heard is pregnant again with a girl this time. Plus another reason is that maybe talking to other adults I can have a sane mind.

When I get to the house I grew up in with Meredith, Elliot comes out to help me get the kids out of the car "Have you heard anything from John? Meredith?" Elliot asks

Shaking my head no "I was hoping one of them called you"

Shaking his head no as the kids go play while the babies stay with John and me, I sit next to Ana as she rubs her belly while Christian is leaning back on the couch with his arm wrapped around Ana "Hey" we hug Ana and I.

"Wow" Ana breathes out seeing the amount of kids "these are a lot of kids-how are you able to be sane with this many kids?"

"A loving husband" I tell her, I see Lexi but her head has blood on it "my phone is going off" pulling my phone out "I'll be right back" going over to the hallways I pretend to talk to someone "Lexi?"

She looks my way surprised "Luna?"

"What's going on?" I ask

"Oh thank god!" She exclaims "I don't know what is going on, there was a plane crash"

"What do you mean a plane crash?!" I exclaim "Is John okay? Meredith?"

She stutters "Lexi! Lexi!" She soon disappears and tears run down my face.

"Luna?" Turning around I see Elliot behind me "who were you talking to?"

"Lexi" whispering "Elliot..." my voice chokes "there's...there's been an accident"

"What do you mean?" He asks

"The plane Meredith and John" my heart pounds loudly in my chest "the plane they were on"

"What?" He demands "what happened?"

"The plane" more tears run down my face "it crashes..."

"Meredith?" He asks "John? Are they okay?"

"I don't know" shaking my head, Elliot pulls me into his embrace as I cry.

"Elliot?" Christian comes over with Ana "what's going on?"

"There's been a plane crash" Elliot tells him "the plane John and Mere were on" his eyes widen as as Ana covers her mouth gasping.

"I need" I say "to call...I need to call"

"Don't worry" Christian pulls out his phone "I'll have a team look for them right now"

"I'll let Owen know" Ana pulls out her phone, Elliot holds me as I cry.

Rubbing my shoulder "Don't worry, they'll come back to us"

"I need to call the family" dialing Nancy, she can get the word to the others.

After some time she answers "Hey Luna, how's it been? The kids? Are you pregnant again?"

"Nancy" I cry ripping the bandaid off "there was a plane crazy, Derek and John were on the plane"

"What?" She asks "what do you mean?"

"I called for a call" crying to her as Elliot rubs my back "and...and all I know was that the plane Derek and John were on crashed, I don't know much else"

"Are there people looking for them?" She demands

"Yes" I confirm "I need to tell Amelia, she's here and"

"Tell her" she says "I'll let the rest of the family know" hanging up I call Amelia.

"Please tell me it isn't true" Amelia begs when she answers her phone "I was next to Owen when I heard"

"There are people looking for them" crying into the phone, Elliot takes the phone from me to talk to Amelia. Oh grandfather, please bring John back to me safely. I can't leave now, not with the kids and if I show up there will be red flags. So grandfather please, please bring John back to me.

~Time Skip~

"Come back to me" holding John's hand as he is unconscious with a tube helping him breathe "please, I can't...I don't want to lose you so soon" placing my hand on his cheek, I think about him healing but after a few minutes nothing. Instead a plant grows.

"Is there any update?" Liz asks as she come in with Nancy. We are in Seattle Grace and I'm visiting John as he is unconscious. Amelia called for Tom Koracick this neurosurgeon that is one of the best.

Shaking our heads no, it's been over one month since the accident and John hasn't woken up after they had to do a head procedure and even if he survived he would be paralyzed from the waist down there is no saving his legs.

"Get your ass in here" I order the intern, I've decided to work again since it's better then staying at home or being in my pajamas all day. Gives me something to do when I'm not with John "those better be the labs, if they aren't you better have a damn good fucking reason to be interrupting my time with my husband"

Looking her way I narrow my eyes and she pales "Y...yo...your" she holds out the labs "labs"

Yanking them from her when she jumps nearly dropping the papers, I look them over and demand "why are you still here? My sister wants you"

"Of course" she quickly runs out of here

"Your harsh" Liz says "I mean...she was close to crying"

"Whose labs are those?" Amelia asks coming in

"John's" my voice cracks, tears run down my face "his kidneys are failing" we all know what that means, once the kidneys goes then the rest of his organs. He's in organ failure.

"Oh Luna" Mrs. Shepherd holds me as I cry in her arms. We hear beeping and look to see John's heart is failing him.

I call a code blue giving him compressions, Amelia takes the pads and tries to bring him back to life. "Charge to two hundred" she orders and after a moment she tries and it leant work "charge to three hundred"

After shocking him, I use some electricity and his heart beats again. I cry going into bed with John, wrapping an arm around him as I cry "Please come back to me-John" when my grandmother told me how I'm very fertile, she didn't mention how fertile "I'm pregnant. You need to fight, fight not just for me or for the kids who are here but for our unborn baby"

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