Thirty One

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~Three Months Later~

"Are you sure you should be on your feet?" John asks me "your going to be giving birth any day now"

"Exactly!" Exclaiming, I'm exactly nine months now and our son is going to be coming soon. Meredith is back from maternity leave and is working on an Alzheimer's trial with Derek, we are all hesitant about this since Derek asked for Meredith personally and we don't know what will happen. Elliot hates the idea so he's been at the hospital more making sure nothing happens between Meredith and Derek. This time actually is causing Meredith and Elliot to grow even closer together.

Maybe the chief is asking for me to be in the trial instead of Meredith, but why? Did something happen? When I am in the office with the chief, he looks up at me and smiles since he was reading my mom's journal "Ah! Luna! I would like to initiate a clinical trial, one that would be the next major advancement for curing type one diabetes"

"Wow" I say "where did this come from?"

"I found it in here" in mom's journal "before she became ill, she was working on islet cell transplantation trying to eliminate the need for anti-rejection meds altogether. With her notes, drugs and new technology there isn't anything we can't accomplish"

"We?" John asks

"I want you, Luna to be apart of this" Webber says "I know I'm asking a lot since you have residency, your nightclub, being a full time mom..."

"It is a lot" nodding my head "but before mom became ill she told me how she was working on something big, something that she wanted to make to revolutionize the world...can I think this over with John? Since this is a big thing, I want to say yes but"

"Of course" he nods his head

As we leave I say to John "Get me admitted into OB, the baby is coming" his eyes widen "my water broke in the office"

"It's time?" He asks

"It's time" I confirm, he kisses me before picking me up and runs me to OB. I laugh as he does this.

~A Few Hours Later~

"Wait!" Meredith asks me "your thinking about going on a clinical trial to eliminate type one diabetes? Bitch" she grabs the files that John got me that Richard has written down that are the foundation of starting the clinical trial.

Nodding my head as John is checking up with Elliot who is with the kids in the nursery "Oh my god" I just realized that we have never had a house party, we still need to do that. You know what? Next weekend John and I are throwing a house party.

"This is amazing" Cristina says "mother daughter surgeons cure the leading cause of death" I haven't even said yes, I mean this is a lot and I'm already juggling a lot.

"Meredith" Lexi comes in all emotional "you need to come see dad"

"Why?" She asks "does he need more organs?"

"He wouldn't say" she says "he was too busy loving up on his twenty year old tatted up skank"

They look her way along with John and I, another contraction comes and I snarl "Everyone who isn't John out! Now!" They soon leave me and John, John tries to help me as I go through labor. I'm not taking pain killers, no I'm going to do this without an epidural.

"Do you want to do it?" John asks me

"What?" Gasping a breath looking at him "do what?"

"The trial?" He asks "this is an amazing opportunity"

"What about the kids?" I ask "everything?"

"We'll make it work" taking my hand "I can tell you want to do this, do it"

"Tell Richard that I'll do it" nodding my head "if you say we can make this work then let's make it work-also hurry, your kid doesn't seem to want to wait to be born" he nods his head running out of the room.

Callie soon comes in all aggravated "When did you stop drinking coffee?"

"What?" Gasping as my back is only tad bit sore, my back is getting worse with each contraction. Last I checked after twelve hours I'm about seven centimeters dilated. Much longer than with Ned.

"I'm pregnant" she says "and Arizona says that caffeine is bad for the baby"

"Only until your milk comes in" taking deep breaths, my body is coated in sweat "but even before them drink decaf coffee with no sweeteners like creamer"

"I'll be back" she says leaving as I'm groaning tired. When John comes back in, he is out of breath.

"Are you"

"I'm still in labor" assuring him as he takes my hand "we never went over baby names"

"Well for a boy" he places his hand on my belly rubbing it "while about Rowan? Like our choice before? His middle name Daniel after my father"

"Rowan Daniel Morningstar-Shepherd" tiredly saying "it sounds perfect, also Callie is coming back with Arizona and Mark-I'll be asleep then. Later we can talk about girl names"

Closing my eyes I sleep or get as much sleep as I can. The only reason I wake up is from pain and that Dr. Lucy Fields is here "Hi Dr. Morningstar-Shepherd, how's it going?"

"Tell me I can push" ordering. She checks and nods her head.

"On the next contraction" she orders

John comes in just as I push "The baby?" He asks "is it coming?"

"Your baby is coming" Fields confirms as I scream pushing, taking a breath I take a moment "Luna"

"I know what to fucking do" snapping at her as the nurses are here prepared to clean my baby "don't forget I'm studying to be a fetal surgeon and I know what to do. Now shut the fuck up and let me concentrate on pushing my child out of me!" She pressed her lips together nodding her head as I push harder.

Groaning as more sweat covers my body, I push again and we hear the cries of a baby. Opening my eyes, I smile seeing my baby "Congratulations" she tells us "you have another beautiful baby boy"

"Rowan" John takes him into his arms since I'm too tired to pick myself up "Rowan Daniel Morningstar-Shepherd" bringing him over, I smile seeing how Rowan has my blonde hair. Ned has John's dark hair and John's dark eyes while my baby Rowan eyes. I love my children so much. So so much.

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