Jing Yuan - By reason of Insanity

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By no means were the stares of random passersby unwanted by a performer like yourself. Captivating charm woven into your very breath as you could exude an allure that would strand sailors upon the rocks. The turning of heads and silent gapes brought a small smile to your face. 

Only the entranced gaze of one in particular garnered a bit of ire from your barely parted lips. A single focused glance- discerning and intrigued, could not leave the delicate manner in which your hands plucked at the silver strings. 

Every note was deliberate. The vibrato that resonated along the smooth wood left a tender ear to the befallen listener. 



With a coy smile you relished in their praises, finally finishing your score as you silenced the ring of notes. A hand to your heart as you bowed before the crowd that had gathered in your name.  

Slight surprise written on your calm demeanor as the glance of the humble audience member had disappeared. Not a moment too soon, a thick glazed tone waned into earshot. 

"A true talent upon the Luofu. I commend your remarkable abilities to calm even a raging storm." Silver tongued and silver-haired, the man approached with an unmistakable dignity to his stride. 

"To what do I owe the pleasure, General?" Letting a giggle past your lips, this stoic figure at near all hours of the day would lounge above to listen to the zither. 

"A light stroll pushed me hence; I am one to follow where the wind blows." 

"It must be quite a fierce wind- to have captured a mighty General in its path. Bringing such a diligent soldier to a teashop in the middle of the night." You noted, gently covering your smirk. 

With a tinge of blush on his pale skin, he lightly huffed. "Miserable is a heart that does not beat to the tunes of a graceful artist's beckon." 

Walking alongside the General as you carried the instrument upon your back, you decided to follow the wind as well. Dark eyes that mirrored every move you made, breeding fear into unlucky onlookers who met such a gaze. 

This terror quickly disposed of once your unobservant pupils finally worked their way off the ground. Meeting the enamored glance of the General, you blushed. 

"What did you think of my playing?" You blurt out, trying to hide the embarrassing way you stole looks at the dashing figure beside you. 

"Simply, it was captivating. I found myself unable to take my eyes off of you." Sincerity and a wicked factuality woven into this statement- its hidden truth unbeknownst to you. 

Humming slightly, the way in which the breeze shook the elegance of your eyelashes, Jing Yuan found himself gawking. Covering his mouth quickly, he could not discern the reason behind his sudden infatuation with staring at you.

From the way you smiled, down to the hues in your eyes- he could adore you for years and still find more reasons to admire you. Not a single thing about you could ever cause the love-struck General to tear his eyes away. 

"Watch out!" Placing your palm between him and an oncoming pole, he lightly brushed against your hand. Feeling the warmth radiating off your soft touch, Jing Yuan sighed. Refraining from thinking improper thoughts of such warmth. 

"Thank you, Y/N." 

"You know my name?" Your eyes begin to widen slightly upon such a revelation. To think the most important figure upon your home, knew you by name. 

"Of course. I do admit, I allow myself to be swept away in the breeze a bit too often- just to hear you play." He compliments, lowering his head as a wonderfully charming grin places itself upon his sharp features. 

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