Together Again

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The next day, Brooklyn had returned to Gold's shop, alone. Ruby had stayed the night with her and Henry, watching over them, whilst David was still asleep.

She had woken up earlier than she usually would, not wanting her father to be alone. Henry stayed with the older woman, wanting to give the girl some time with her father. This didn't seem to go to plan, however, as Regina had joined her.

Gold was in the front of the shop, going through some paper work when she walked through.

"Any change?" He asked, looking up at his former student.

"No. He's not improving." She began, moving toward behind the counter. "He needs true loves kiss. He won't wake up until Mary Margaret comes back."

"Until? Well, that's rather optimistic, isn't it?"

Regina narrowed her eyes, leaning her hand on the counter. "What are you talking about?"

"They're up against your mother. The only chance Snow and Emma have of defeating her is with the squid ink."

"Which is why you sent the message through David." She recalled.

"Which, would be beneficial if we knew that message was delivered. But, alas, given the princes condition, we don't know." Brooklyn narrowed her eyes, her hand gripping her fathers as she listened. "As such, it's important we take precautions." Gold went on. "We have to consider the possibility that when that portal opens, it won't be his family that come through. It'll be Cora."

Regina stared at the wizard, her face dropping into a more serious expression. "And neither of us wants that."

Gold gave her a knowing glance, beginning to walk away from the counter. Regina following as he spoke. "We have to find where they're coming through, and destroy that portal."

"But, whoever came through would die."

"Exactly." Letting go of his hand, Brooklyn laid it down carefully before quietly walking up to the closed curtain. "But I'm confident, between the two of us we can summon up enough magic to complete the task."

"But, what is we're wrong?" Regina questioned, neither of them knowing the young girl could hear them. "What is that portal opens up and it's not my mother? What if Mary Margaret and Emma do defeat Cora and go through it?"

"Well, I believe, in this world they call that a win-win."

"How exactly is that?"

Gold held his cane, looking at the woman. "Is we stop Cora, you are protected from your mothers wrath. If, on the other hand, we stop Snow and Emma, well.." he laughed a little, raising his hand to prove his statement. " become the only mother in your sons life, now, don't you?" Regina was quiet, seeming in thought. "Look, magic is unpredictable in this world." He continued, pausing for a moment. "If something unfortunate were to happen while you were attempting to help..Henry could hardly blame you for that, could he?"

There was a deadly silence between them, Regina keeping her straight stance as she thought. "No, I can't lie to him. I am trying to be a better mother."

Gold dropped his act, walking up to her. "You won't be able to be a better anything, if Cora comes through. And if she does, she will be a threat to everyone..including your son. So, I'd you truly want to be a good mother to Henry, to protect him. If you want to be better..prove it."


Henry was sat, holding his storybook as he read quietly to his grandfather. Brooklyn was next to him, staring down at the unconscious man.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼Where stories live. Discover now