Pointed Arrows

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Leaning against the seat of the couch, Brooklyn threw the screwdriver down, letting out a frustrated breath as she stared at the disassembled crib. "I give up."

David, just as confused looked at the instructions more closely. "I've seen enemy battle plans that were easier to decode than this?"

"Let me see." Emma took the instructions from her father, looking over it quickly. "Alright, it says. Take screws E, with Washers D, through Bar C, using Wrench F. Which is.." Her face dropped, clearly annoyed. "Not provided."

"Don't you just wanna call Marco, he's really good at this sort of thing."

"No." They each looked up at her, Emma and David both looking quite offended as Brooklyn just stayed clam.

"I mean.." she scoffed. "I built a treehouse. I'm sure, I can build a..?" The young girl looked at the planks of wood in front of them, trying to recall on what Emma had explained to her.

"Crib." the blonde sighed. She clicked her fingers, pointing toward her sister before looking at her mother. "You built a treehouse?" Turning back to the blonde, Brooklyn slowly nodded. Emma only nodded back, giving her parents a surprised look. But, to her luck however, this didn't go unnoticed by her sister.

"Why do you underestimate me, so much?" She gave her a serious look, making the blonde woman shake her head.

"Stop being dramatic."

"Me, dramatic? Really?" Her voice rose, going high pitched. Brooklyn looked to her parents for help, sending the two an offended look when they didn't respond. "Thanks a lot." She muttered, Mary Margaret looking to her husband.

"Should we even be doing this? Ever since the showdown, between Regina and The Wicked Witch. We haven't seen Zelena or Gold at all. Shouldn't we be focusing on her next move?"

"We are, we just can't stop living." Emma reassured, screwing two pieces together as she spoke.

"Yeah. And, this crib is a statement. We're not going to lose another baby." David gave his wife a hopeful look, the woman not returning it.

Just after he spoke, the door closed loudly. Regina walked in, holding two small bottles of potion. "And, thanks you me you won't. I'm finished."

Brooklyn stared at the woman, her eyes wide as she asked. "Did you get it?" Regina only rolled her eyes, placing a small paper bag, along with a takeaway cup onto the table. Smirking, the young girl stood quickly and grabbed her food, before throwing herself back onto the sofa.

"This will be the last, and only time I do that for you." The woman placed her items on the table, giving her an annoyed look.

"So, did it work?" David asked as he stood up and walked over to the dark haired woman. "Were you able to put up a new protection spell?"

"One that can't be undone by Blood Magic. Which means Zelena won't be able to put her hands on that baby." Mary Margaret sighed, holding her bump protectively.

"Any idea why she would want to?"

"The number of spells involving baby parts, would surprise you." The woman looked away, not able to think of such a horrid thing. "That greenie is clearly one twisted, witch." She smirked, looking back at the woman. "But, as long as we're in here and you're not alone outside, we're safe."

Brooklyn rolled her eyes. "That's useless, I think we need to stop playing defence and start taking the fight to her." Brooklyn stated, handing  her grilled cheese to her sister as she spoke. The blonde gratefully took the sandwich, taking a quick bite before handing it back.

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