The Heart Of The Truest Beleiver

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Breathing heavily, Brooklyn kept her grip right around the rope she held, panting a little as they came to a stop. The Portal had soon vanished, leaving them in the middle of a deserted ocean.

Beside her sister, Emma looked forward, shouting. "Is that it?"

"Aye." Hook muttered, glaring at the faces island before them, repeating the girls words from moments earlier. "Neverland."

As he began sailing again, everyone split themselves around the ship. Brooklyn had sat herself on the small steps, her necklace hanging in her hand. She hadn't said anything since they arrived through the Portal, this concerning her parents.

Mary Margaret gave her husband a knowing look. She knew both of her daughters were hurting, for different reasons, and neither didn't want to show it. This was difficult, as she wanted to talk to them both, but knew neither of them had the time right now.

Taking a second to recollect herself, the woman gestured her husband toward the blonde, both of them walking over to her quickly. To her, Emma's feelings were more pressing at that moment.

"Hey." The woman started, her hands stuffed into her pockets as a breeze began to pick up. When she didn't get an answer, Mary Margaret sighed, glancing at the man behind them for a moment. "What happened to Neal, and Henry. It's not your fault. You can't blame yourself." She whispered.

"I don't." Emma told her, taking a second before she finally turned to face the woman. "I blame you. All this happened because I listened to you. You say good always wins? It doesn't. I didn't grow up in some fairytale land. My experience is different, that's all I can go on."

"And, all we have to go on is ours." The blonde scoffed, turning back to face the waves. "So, if you would just let us share our wisdom.."

"I appreciate you trying to be parents. But, we're the same age. With Brooke, you can move on as though nothing happened. But not with me. We have equal amounts of wisdom." She stated, her voice breaking slightly. From her seat behind the three, Brooklyn watched as he sister continued. "And, all I want is Henry back. I should never have broken the curse. I should have just taken Henry, and.."

"You're right. Then you'd be together." Mary Margaret looked at the woman, her face serious. "We missed you growing up, Emma. And it haunts us everyday."

"And, that's why we're here now. And, we don't want you to go through the same thing too. And you won't. We are gonna get our family back."

Emma turned to face them, her tone raising. "How can you two be so infuriatingly optimistic?"

"It's who we are." David told her, his back straightening.

"Why? Ever since you got your memories back, ever since you remembered your Snow White and Prince Charming, your lives, they', they've sucked."

"No." David stated. "No, we found you. We got you and your sister back."

"And lost Henry. And Neal. And countless other people!" Emma yelled, giving them both a glare each.

"Emma, the minute I let go of the belief that things will get better, is the minute I know they won't." Mary Margaret felt her husband hand take her shoulder, squeezing it gently as she continued.

"We'll find Henry."

"No, you won't." Brooklyn jumped a little, turning around to see Gold standing right behind her.

"Oh, that's a great use of our time. A wardrobe change."

"I'm gonna get Henry." The man stated, his eyes on the blonde.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼Where stories live. Discover now