The Millers Daughter

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Mary Margaret was stood in the kitchen, making herself a cup of coffee when she heard her daughter coming down the stairs.

She glanced down at the outfit the girl was wearing, stirring the coffee, slowly. "I've always wondered. How come you never wear dresses?"

"Because, I don't want to." She told her, pulling her jeans up a bit as they became a little uncomfortable. She felt the look her mother gave her, mumbling a quick. "Shut up."

"I'm just saying. Dresses are cute and a lot more comfortable." She smiled, throwing her spoon into the sink. "You used to love wearing dresses."

"When I was two and couldn't talk?" Brooklyn asked, a sarcastic tone. "Yeah, your right, mom."

Rolling her eyes, Mary Margaret looked to her left, seeing her husband calling her. Without thinking, she picked up the phone before answering him. "Hey, hun."

"Hey. I just talked to Emma. It's a bad wound, she says it's poison." Brooklyn sat herself at the counter, watching her mother with hooded eyes. Mary Margaret walked around the counter, taking one of the apples from the tray. "He can only cure it back here in StoryBrooke. Their taking the ship home."

"Well, let him know that they have the knife, okay?" Mary Margaret sighed, looking down at the apple she held. "Who knows what that wicked woman would do."

Making her way back to the kitchen, she listened to her husband continue. "Is Brooke awake?"

"Yes." Glancing to her daughter, grabbing one of the bowls. "And dressed." She wheats a laugh through the phone, smiling a little. Rolling her eyes, Brooklyn stood up, making her way over to the couch, leaving the two to talk.


Brooklyn closed the door behind her, running toward her sister and nephew as they helped Gold back onto the Docks.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Emma sighed. "Yeah, we're alright."

David pushed past Ruby, helping Gold up to his truck. "I drove a ship." Henry stated, looking quiet proud of himself.

"Did you, now?" Smirking, Brooklyn ruffled the boys hair, earning a push from him.

"Yeah, my dad showed me how." She glanced over to the man, raising a brow.

"That's me." He laughed, awkwardly turning away from the girls intense look.

Gold gently pushed his son and David back, thanking them with a strained voice. He sat on the back of the open truck, his face scrunching from the pain.

"Is Cora trying to control you with the Dagger?"

"Well, you'd know if she was." Gold spat, his voice horse. "Because most of you would be dead by now."

"Well then, we'll have to take the fight to her, before that can happen."

"We will." David agreed, not paying much kind as he focused on the wounded man.

"And this time we finish it."

"Mary Margaret.."

"David. She needs to be stopped. She needs to be killed. This is our family. We are going to protect it."

"Of course, we will." He took her hands gently, turning her away from Gold. "But, what your talking about goes beyond that."

"Does it?" The woman questioned, no amusement in her eyes. "Because, she is the reason you've never met my mother. The reason, why our daughters don't have a grandmother."

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