Good Form

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Brooklyn used her fathers lighter to set a small fire back on the torch, struggling a little as she did so. They had been looking around for a few minutes after Emma entered the cave once again, looking hopeless.

The blonde was currently stood in front of her ex boyfriends old bed, her hand grazing the wall as she walked past it. Brooklyn was just opposite, hook next to her as they checked the drawings for a third time. The man looked over when Emma pulled the thin sheet off the bed. "You need a hand, love?"

"Is that a joke?"

Hook smirked, noting the woman he had become quite infatuated by. "No. I'm being quite serious." Together they pulled the tatty mattress off, Emma leaning against the large stone as she examined the new drawings.

"More drawings?" Brooklyn joined the two, standing between them to get a better look. When she noticed what the drawings were, her face softened a little, exhaling deeply.

"What is it?" David asked, seeing the looks on both his daughters faces.

"It appears Neal
Armed his days trapped on this island." Emma looked closer to the wall, jumping up on it without a second thought.

"Whats wrong?"

"Look here." She pointed to the end of the tally's, her tone somber. "Neal stopped counting."

"Cause he got off the island."

Emma looked to her mother. "He was here longer."

"Then why would h-"

"Cause he lost hope." Brooklyn clarified, her parents looking at her. Emma slowly nodded, agreeing with her sister.

"You got that from scribbles?" The two sisters turned to look at the older woman, Emma jumping back down.

"I got that because it's what I did I first got here."

"Counting days, until counting seemed pointless." Emma added, leaning against the stone as her sister crossed her arms.

"You think the same things happening to Henry?"

"Pan said that it would." Emma told him, her face void of any emotion by now.

"Hey. We're going to rescue him."

"Yeah, I know that. And you know that." The blonde stated, finally pushing herself forward. "But, Henry doesn't know that. Pan wants him to lose faith, just like he did with, Brooke."

"So, what? You want to send him a message? Because, I haven't seen a Neverland post office." Regina sassed, earning a sharp glare from the younger girl. "What are you suggesting?"

"We take a page from Pan. We need to start being clever. We need to send a simple sign, a sign that we're coming."

"With Lost Boys running around trying to kill us all?"

Mary Margaret looked over at the woman, a knowing look to her face. "Maybe it's time we use that to our advantage."

"How?" Regina tilted her head, pointing to Brooklyn. "Our only choice is her and she can't even be in a five mile radius of Pan."

"Follow me, I'll show you." Mary Margaret began her way out of the cave, each of them giving her a confused look. One by one, the group began to follow her, only Emma, Hook and David staying behind.

Brooklyn stayed outside for a minute, patiently waiting for the three to come out of the cave. She smiled as Emma passed her, the woman not returning the favour as she was in, what Brooklyn liked to call 'mom mode'.

A few seconds later, Hook and David joined them, the pirate not saying a word, just storming past. Brooklyn sighed, giving her father a certain look when he saw her.

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