Welcome To Storybrooke

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David sighed, making his way back into the kitchen, shaking his head a little at the look Emma gave him.

"Anything?" Brooklyn asked, shoving some eggs into her mouth.

"Won't eat a bite."

Henry looked over to his grandmother, his voice soft. "What happened to her?"

"Nothing." Emma answered, stumbling over her words a little. "She's just a little sick."

David shared a look with both his daughters, Henry catching on quickly. "You guys are lifting to me, aren't you?"

"No one's lying. Just like you did about my dad."

"Henry, I-" Emma reached out, cutting herself off when he pulled away from her touch.

Leaning her arms in the counter, Brooklyn stared at her food. "He deserves the truth." She spoke, her voice clear. Inhaling deeply, Emma stared at the girl, knowing this was just her trying to piss her off. Which, clearly was working. But, she knew her sister was right, she knew she couldn't keep this from Henry any longer.

"Their right. No more lying."

"Emma.." David stepped closer to them, stopping himself by the look she gave him.

After a second, Emma turned to her son, her voice soft. "Here's the thing, Henry. Cora's death..Mary Margaret was, partially responsible for it." She explained. "And, that's why she's so upset."

"No. N-No, she couldn't."

A knock came from the door, David narrowed his eyes as he moved to answer it. "She was trying to protect us."

"But, she's know white. She couldn't hurt anybody."

Brooklyn sighed, pushing her plate aside as she looked to the two. Her eyes more focused on her nephew. "Pain makes us to the most..horrible things, you could imagine." She shrugged, not paying any mind to the look Emma gave her. "I'm sorry, Hen."

"Get out!" They all turned to see Gold outside the door. They didn't have to look at their fathers face, to see him glaring at the older man.

"I think your gonna want to hear what I have to say." Gold stated, keeping his expression neutral. He looked over to Mary Margaret, the woman not sparing him much of a glance. "For her sake."

"What are you talking about?" Emma asked, the three now joining them.

"Regina. She's planning to strike back, against your mother."

"What is she gonna do to her?" Brooklyn took the boys shoulder in her hand, gently squeezing it.

"Well, she didn't say."

"No." She spoke, earning the man's attention. "You don't get to come in here and just drop a bomb like that. You are going to figure this out, and you're going to help us."

"And, why should I?" She asked, glaring at the girl, slightly. The two stood there, their eyes burning at the other. Stepping in front of his daughter, David continued.

"Well, aside from us being family now, Mary Margaret saved your life." He stated, seeing him glance over to his wife. "Now, you owe her a debt. And you always pay your debts, don't you?" He whispered, leaning his hand on the frame of the door. "You're gonna help us stop Regina."


"What the hell does that do?" Emma stared at the limping man, her eyes narrowing. Gold and David had just returned from Regina's volt, the man explaining the curse she had planned.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora