Blossonming Bonds

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The Enchanted Forest
- Nine Months Ago -

Brooklyn woke up to the sun shining down on her, the sound of birds chirping just outside her window. Letting out a tired moan, the girl threw her pillow over her head to drain out the birds singing. This, she could most definetly not get used to.

Just as she was about to drift back to sleep, her bedroom door opened with a bang, making the girl jump up from the sudden noise. Brooklyn sat up quickly, about to grab whatever was closest when she saw the intruder.

"Good morning, your highness." The woman chirped, a large grin on her face, beaming at the girl. A beautiful, tall, dark skinned young woman stood there. Her hair was pinned up into a neat bun, some flowers sat perfectly around it. She wore a long, well sewn green dress, with a white apron tied with it.

Brooklyn sighed, rolling her eyes as she removed the blanket from her now cold body. "Please." The woman stopped, looking at her confused, yet uttered no word back. "You can call me Brooke. Your highness is too formal." the woman only nodded, sending her a sweet, slightly amused smile.

"I am Florence. Your handmaiden." The girl rolled her eyes, about to object when Florence stopped her. "Do not worry, your parents insisted." After a minute of debating whether to talk to her parents, Brooklyn nodded, letting the woman carry on with her duties. She slowly sat up at the edge of her bed, watching as the woman ran around the room. "I have asked the cook to prepare your breakfast, here is your clothing for the day, your highness. I hope it fits well, and is suited to your liking."

Brooklyn sighed, standing quickly so that she could dress herself for the day. The handmaiden had moved to draw the girl a bath, only stopping when she called for her. "Don't worry, I can do that myself."

"Nonsense, prin-" Brooklyn sent the woman a pointed look, Florence quickly fixing herself. "-Brooke. As I said before, I am here to assist you in anything you may need. Now, shall I draw your bath or would you insist you have one later?"

Brooklyn stayed silent, a little impressed by the woman's quick sassing. Oh she hadn't have spoke so much, Brooklyn probably wouldn't have let that slide. But, she was impressed to say the least. "As you wish." She mumbled, Florence smiling politely before she moved over to the large bath in the corner.

After waiting for it to fill, they both stayed in a peaceful silence as Brooklyn washed herself.

About ten minutes or so later, Brooklyn now drying herself in a spare clean towel, the two walked across the room. More like Florence leading the girl. She led her behind the large dressing wall, throwing her dress over the top as Brooklyn slid her towel off, changing quickly into her undergarments. Next was the dress, Florence pulled it from the wall, helping the young girl to get it on without any fuss, before she attached the corset around her waist.

Brooklyn scrunched her face, not used to this sort of feeling. It seemed Florence had noticed this too, and began to worry. "Have I pulled it too tight? Please, forgive me. Your Hig..Brooke." She quickly rambled, going to undo what she had already tied. But, before she could Brooklyn had gestured for her to stop. Florence stepped back, feeling her chest tighten as she waited for her princess to speak.

"No need. It's not your fault." She smiled. "I'm just not used to all of this. In all honesty, I've never worn a corset before." She admitted, a shy expression on her features when she looked back to the woman.

"Oh. Right..well, please forgive me." Brooklyn gave her a look, as if telling her to continue. "When I am nervous, I ramble on for a while and sometimes..most of the time, I can't seem to stop." She told her, quicker than Brooklyn had imagined. "My apologies, if I have seem to bore you, My Lady." Florence moved back to the girl, tying the ribbon once again. "I've been told before, by the people in my Village..well my previous village. Well, before the first Curse hit, they all thought that I was quite a peculiar girl. That I was strange, because I'd either talk too much, or they would catch me staring out into space at random times." She looked up at the young girl, noticing her silence. "Oh, forgive me once more, your highness. I shall stop my rambling."

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