The Queen Is Dead

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"Pancakes?" Brooklyn looked up at her father, narrowing her eyes. "You made pancakes?"

"Yes." He laughed, throwing his dish cloth aside, turning to face her. "I always make pancakes."

"Yeah, only on certain occasions or when you want something."

"What, can't I cook for you and your mother?"

"Not, when it's pancakes." She sassed, the man throwing the dish cloth at her. They both laughed, David soon going back to his cooking.

Mary Margaret was in her bedroom, a frown on her face as she looked into her mirror. Upon hearing the two laughing, the woman looked back, furrowing her eyebrows when she looked at her husband.

The woman walked over, sending a disapproving look to everything. "What are you doing?"

Holding the pan, David looked at his wife. "I'm making breakfast."


He placed the pancake onto a plate, turning back to the oven, quickly. "I'm hungry."

"You think I don't know what you're doing?" The man huffed, keeping his mouth shut. "We talked about this. We had a dea-" David put his things down, looking at her.

"I know. I know. But..with the curse broken, I thought maybe you would change your mind."

Mary Margaret gave him a saddened look, throwing her hands into her pockets. "Well, I didn't." With that, she walked away from the two, her eyes falling on a large, wrapped box. "What's this?"

Brooklyn looked back at her mother, speaking with her mouth full. "A birthday present."

"No, I told you." Mary Margaret pointed to her daughter. "And, eat before you speak."

"It's not from me." David defended.

"No one else knows."

Leaning sideways on the counter, the man crossed his arms. "Apparently, someone does. And, they also think you should celebrate." He smiled. "It was left outside the door, this morning."

Sending him an annoyed face, the woman reluctantly began to unwrap the present. The two watched her, carefully, confused when her face dropped.

"What is it?" Brooklyn asked, forgetting her food for a moment as she turned. Mary Margaret slowly picked up the gift, holding her tears back.

Slowly, David made his way over to her. "I thought that was lost when the curse it."

She sniffed, wiping her nose before speaking. "So, did I." Carefully handing the tiara to him, she took the note attached to the box, reading it quickly. "Johanna?"

"I didn't know she was in StoryBrooke." Brooklyn joined the two, looking at the gift.

"Neither did I."

"Who's Johanna?" She asked, the two only looking at her.

"Uh.." David let out a deep sigh, glancing to his daughter. "She was your mothers old handmaiden." David glanced to the woman, though seeming out of it. "After the curse, you were gone for a while. Where all still, finding each other, hasn't been easy."

Finally looking away from the note, Mary Margaret took the tiara, looking frantic. "I have to go."

"Okay, hey." Grabbing her quickly, David sighed, gently running her arms. "Happy birthday."

The woman smiled, pecking his lips quickly. "Thank you for understanding." Moving toward the door, she grabbed her scarf, letting the man help her with her coat. "You should go. It's getting late, you have to go to work."

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon