The Snow Queen

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Brooklyn held her head in her hands, her arms rested on her legs as she listened to the song play for what felt like years.

'Goodbye, Alex. Goodbye, Neal, Goodbye, Phillip. It's time for us to go."

Everyone in the room began clapping, smiling at the baby's with them. Brooklyn, on the other hand let out a small groan, finally able to lift her head back up.

Since her anxiety attack a few days ago, Mary Margaret hadn't let her leave her sight. She was worried incase anything happened on any cases, and Brooklyn didn't have her or anyone around to help her.

Brooklyn hated this, of course, feeling like she was on house arrest all over again. "That wasn't so bad for a first week, huh?" Ashley, one of Emma's friends spoke. Speaking of, Emma walked into the room, smiling around at the moms. "Okay, moms. Next time we're gonna sing more songs, so I've burned you all a CD."

"Oh, Lord, please let me stay at home next time." Brooklyn muttered, soon noticing her sister stood at the doorway. Without thinking, the girl rushed toward her, a pleading look on her face. "Emma, thank god. You have to save me, I've been stuck in this room listening to 'baa baa, black sheep' and 'round and round the garden' for over an hour."

The blonde just laughed, patting her sister on the shoulder. "You can tell the time now?"

"Yes, I learned it a few days ago. It's rather easy, but..that's not the point. The point is, I am dying in here."

Mary Margaret looked over, seeing her daughter now with them. "Emma. You missed the goodbye song."

"You really didn't."

Sending the girl an 'annoyed' look, the woman turned back to Emma. "I got the gist of it from the title." She smiled, looking to her brother. "Is baby bro ready?"

"Yes. Oh, just a few things. Diaper bag, stroller, milk."

"He sure has a lot of stuff." Emma pointed out, her mother just smiling.

"Well, I wanted to give him everything."

"Emma!" The three turned, watching as the younger blonde walked up to them.

"Ashley. Look at you, the baby whisperer." Emma smiled, cooing at the little girl in her friends arms.

"What can I say. I just took to it. Now, if you need help getting him to sleep, just tell him, he's gonna turn into a pumpkin by midnight."

"Wish I was a pumpkin, right now."

Ignoring her sister, Emma smiled at the three women. "So, this is what you do here. You give sleeping tips, and sing songs and.."

"Oh, it's more than just that. It's like having a support group. I mean..being a first time mother, is not easy."

The two sisters turned to their mother, each holding the same questioning look. "First time mother?" Brooklyn asked, the woman sending her a reassuring look.

"Brooklyn. Of course I am not a first time mother."

"Well, you kind of are." Brooklyn turned to the blonde, looking shocked. "You've never raised a baby before-"

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