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Wrapping the scarf around her neck, Emma narrowed her eyes as she stared over at her sister, confused. Leaning back a bit, her mother behind her at the table, she whispered. "How long has she been doing that?"

Pulling her attention away from the magazine, the older woman followed her gaze, humming slightly when she realised. "For about an hour and a half." She took a sip of her coffee, not noticing the blonde staring at her.


"She's making herself something to eat." She explained, turning a page.

"Why not a sandwich?"

The woman sighed, closing the magazine before standing. "She insisted on PopTarts."

Emma looked over at the girl, crossing her arms, intrigued. "And, she's using the microwave, because.."

"Emma. Why are you so insistent? Your sister is perfectly capable of making herself food." Mary Margaret held her mug up, taking a final sip before continuing. "Besides, she's banned from the oven, after last weeks incident."

"Ah, the chicken incident. Classic."

"You know, the main concept of taking behind one's back, is whispering. You both are doing a terrible job." Smirking, Emma took her mothers mug, walking over to the kitchen.

As she threw it in the sink, she asked. "An hour and a half, for PopTarts?" Saying nothing, Brooklyn opened the trash can beside her, the blonde looking into it. Once seeing all of the wasted food, Emma nodded. Just as she went to speak, Emma looked over when she heard a knock on the door. "Here we go." She mumbled, Brooklyn humming, though not laying much attention. She took the plate of food out of the microwave quickly, practically throwing it down as to not burn herself.

Gold stood in front of the blonde. He had a shawl hanging around his shoulders, holding nothing but his cane. "Ready to go Miss Swan?"

"Almost." She began checking everything in her handbag, Henry finally walking out of his grandparents room.

"Do you think we'll be cold where we're going? Or warm?" He asked, holding his coat over his arm, his suitcase in the other.

"I think layers are always a good idea."

Good looked at the woman, clearly annoyed. "I thought the terms of our agreement were quite clear. You owe me a favour, you alone."

"I'm not leaving Henry here with Cora lurking about. So, either we both go, or we both stay."

Not saying anything, Gold glanced over at the boy, not in the mood to argue. "Then, we'll have to purchase another plane ticket, won't we?"

"Wait, we're flying?"

"Don't worry, I'm covering expenses. Even the new ones."

Holding her plate, Brooklyn sat herself up on the counter, watching the two silently. "You're a real gentleman, are t you?" David made his way down the stairs, handing Emma her bag. As they got themselves ready to leave, David turned to the man, being straight. "Alright, Gold. Your going out there with my family, just know if anything happens to them-"

"Then you'll what?" Gold kept a straight face, his tone sarcastic. "You'll cross the town line, and David Nolan will hunt me down in his animal rescue van?"

"I'll be devastated." Lowering his voice, he continued. "This isn't a threat. It's a request. Take care of them."

Gold was silent for a moment, knowing just how much family mattered to the man. "I promise, no harm will come to your family. After all, we have a deal."

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼Where stories live. Discover now