The Apprentice

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"Could you make the thing, you know, with the holes inside?"

"Bagels?" Brooklyn shook her head, using her hands to gesture to what she was asking.

"No. The square ones, with all the little square holes. The ones that you make with the gold sticky stuff, and the white powder stuff?"

"Waffles?" Brooklyn clapped her hands tigether, pointing to her father.

"Yes. That one."

David just laughed, grabbing the frozen waffles from their freezer. "Oh, and don't call sugar white powder." She gave him a confused look, tilting her head a little. He sighed, waving his hand. "You'll understand one day."

Brooklyn sat confused for a second, trying to figure out what he was implying. Just as she went to ask him, the door behind them opened, Henry and Emma both walking inside.

"Hey. I'm making waffles, you guys want some?" Smiling widely, Henry joined his aunt at the counter.

"I just ate, but I'll take waffles when I can."

Mary Margaret, who was sat at the couch holding her son, looked to her eldest. Her eyes narrowed when she noticed the small smirk on her face. "Emma. What's got you all chipper?"


"You sure it nothing?" Henry asked, sending his mother a knowing look.

Growing curious, Brooklyn turned to her sister. "You're hiding something."

"No, I'm not."

"Emma. You may be really good at telling whether people are lying or not, but you're terrible at it yourself."

The blonde gave her a small look, hitting her arm lightly. Henry smirked, grabbing the girls attention. "Henry." Emma warned, the boy not listening.

"She asked Hook out in a date." Mary Margaret gave the woman an excited expression, squealing a little. "And, he said yes."

David groaned, not wanting to hear any of this. Brooklyn, on the other hand, turned to her sister. Her face disgusted.

"Hook, really?"

"Yes. What's wrong with him?" Emma asked, seeing the questioning look on her sister's face. "Actually, don't answer that."

"You're actually going on a date with the man who caused my life to be hell?"

"Correction. That was Pan, not Hook."

Brooklyn tilted her head. "And, who was the one who sent me to Neverland, in the first place?"

"Not at his own bidding. He was working for Cora then, don't forget."

"Still, he did it." Rolling her eyes, Emma turned away from the girl, rounding the corner as she joined her father in the kitchen.

"I'm not having this conversation with you." David went to speak, only stopping when she held her hand up. "Either of you."

"If you want to go out with the one handed wonder, that's up to you. Just don't come crying to me when that hook hurts you someplace-"

"Waffles are done." David placed the food in front of his daughter, Emma holding her laugh when she noticed the disgusted look on his face. Brooklyn seemed completely distracted, smiling as she took a bite of her food.

"Listen. Hook and I had a talk last night, and he made me realise some things." Emma grabbed a water from the fridge. "I can't keep holding back, just gotta..take the leap and not look for the consequences."

Mary Margaret smiled, rocking her son gently, as she joined the four. "Well, I think that's a marvellous idea." Looking to her husband, she raised a brow. "Don't you?"

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼Where stories live. Discover now